Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1117 Qingyun joins the army 8

After listening to her sister's words and seeing the encouragement in her eyes, Feng Qingyun first ignited her ambitions. She had been educated and literate since she was a child, and she had experienced the harshness of the world. If it weren't for her sister, she would not have survived at all, so she also had a share. A man's ambition, but when he turned around and saw the two pairs of big black eyes of his nephew and niece, the so-called ambition suddenly disappeared.

She feels that her main task is to help her sister take care of the family and take care of her nephews and nieces.

"If I join the army, what will happen to Xibao and Fubao? Who will take care of them? What will happen when my sister gives birth to a baby? This baby will not be one, but two. She will definitely not be able to take care of them by herself." Feng Qingyun said seriously that she could not throw her promise out of the window just because of her future. In that case, she would look down on herself.

Feng Qingxue ruffled her hair, "Why do you, a little girl, worry so much? Others can take care of ten or eight children. After Xibao grows up, I can't even take care of two little ones. good?"

"That's right, that's right, little sister, I don't know how many family members of the army are idle at home in the family compound. They are racking their brains every day to find ways to supplement their family income. When the time comes, hire two clean, honest, honest aunts to take care of your sister and your nephew. , I take better care of you than an underage girl like you!" Fang Ning said.

Yang Fengying looked at Feng Qingyun and liked her temperament, stability and kindness.

Even though her own future is at stake, she still thinks about the lives of her sister and nephew, which shows that she is a good child.

"Little sister, you don't have to worry. Our army is a big family. Your sister has a baby and she can't take care of it by herself. Everyone takes turns to take care of her, and it can be arranged for several years." Yang Fengying's eyes were filled with tenderness, "The capital's The situation is not good, I am planning to take my parents over, and I can definitely help when the time comes.”

Feng Qingyun bit her lower lip and looked at her sister, "Sister..."

Feng Qingxue said softly: "I didn't know you liked singing before. If I had known earlier, I would have carefully cultivated you and at least let you learn some vocal music from Aunt Xu. However, it is not too late now. These two people in front of you are both Everyone, just giving you some advice will be enough for you to use for life! I have thought before that Tianjun is in the army, Acheng is in medicine, Tianzhi is talented in calligraphy and painting, and Ayu likes to listen to stories and make up stories. What kind of industry do you have? Okay? This is a new era. I don’t think women have to stay at home and focus on the children and the stove. We should have our own ideals and work and show our own value.”

"Sister..." Feng Qingyun burst into tears.

The greatest luck in her life is that she has a good sister who loves her and always thinks about her. She does not transmit to her the pedantic ideas of many people in the brigade just because she is young. When a girl grows up, she When it's time to get married, it's time to wash clothes, cook, take care of children, and serve the elderly. You should also work to earn work points.

"Stop crying, silly girl!" Seeing Fu Bao pulling on her bib to wipe away her aunt's tears, Feng Qingxue took back her handkerchief, "We have another earner in our family, and your sister and I can't even be happy. Woolen cloth!"

"Earn money to buy Guoguo!" Xibao cheered as he pushed his rice bowl forward after eating and drinking.

"Okay, I'll buy fruits for Xibao and Fubao after I get paid." This sentence showed that she was willing to join the army.

Enlisting in the army is not just a matter of two words. It requires passing the political examination, household registration, food and oil relations, etc. all have to be transferred from the Wanglou Brigade. Feng Qingxue sent a telegram to her family. Both sides tried their best to complete the procedures one after another. In Yang Under the exceptional admission of Fengying and Fang Ning, Feng Qingyun has since become an art soldier who has made artistic contributions to the People's Liberation Army.

. . There are precedents for many art soldiers who enlisted in the army in their teens.

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