Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1120 Jin Rui receives the letter 1

It was noon when Zheng Jinrui received the letter. He took the letter to the state-owned hotel and ordered an egg noodle. He opened the letter when the egg noodles arrived and ate while reading it. As soon as he saw the contents clearly, He almost choked on the egg, his eyes were as big as eggs, and his mouth was open enough to fit a double-yolk egg.

"So I didn't insist?" He hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at it again in disbelief.

After reading it, Zheng Jinrui, an old man, was so sad that he almost shed tears, especially when he thought that he had not confessed his love to Chen Xueniang for five years, but only looked at her silently and helped her.

If I had confessed my love again five years ago, no, let alone five years ago, four years ago, would I have embraced the beautiful woman?

How could he still be in the mood to eat at this time?

However, it is shameful to waste food.

Zheng Jinrui wolfed down a bowl of noodles, jumped up and happily left the state-owned hotel. He wanted to go to Chen Xueniang to confess his love, but he stopped after running a dozen steps.

You are at work at this time, wouldn't going to find her cause trouble for her?

Let’s go find her after get off work!

Zheng Jinrui asked for a day and a half leave. Nowadays, most of the work units are dawdling and a lot of work has been stopped. Not to mention asking for a day and a half leave. Some units ask for ten and a half days leave and no one cares or asks.

Although the department store business was booming, Zheng Jinrui was a cadre and did not have to sell goods, so he successfully applied for leave.

Then, he went to the barber shop to get a haircut, shaved his face, and then went to the bathhouse to take a bath, specially using soap when taking a bath.

So after Chen Xueniang got off work, she saw a neatly dressed Zheng Jinrui at the door of her house. She looked more energetic and clean than usual, just like the groom.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Xueniang asked.

Zheng Jinrui coughed and touched the watch he had prepared in his pocket for a long time. "Comrade Chen Xueniang, I have something to tell you. Oh, no, I have something to ask you for help. Can you let me in? It's not appropriate to say it at the door. ”

Chen Xueniang did not receive a reply from Feng Qingxue and did not think about it for a moment, because Zheng Jinrui came to her house to help with work many times. She had no doubt that he was there. After spending so many years together, she already knew what kind of person Zheng Jinrui was. He took out the key and opened the door, "If you have any questions, just tell me. If I can be of any help, I'll do it without any hesitation!"

"You can definitely help!" Zheng Jinrui said.

Chen Xueniang made a sound, parked the second-hand bicycle she bought at the flea market, and opened the door of the main room, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zheng Jinrui followed him into the house, took out the box containing the watch, and handed it to Chen Xueniang with both hands.

"What is this?" Chen Xueniang was moved when she saw the words "Capital Department Store" printed on the packaging box.

Zheng Jinrui opened the box, revealed the Omega inside, and said solemnly: "Comrade Chen Xueniang, look, we have known each other for so many years. I know your character and you know who I am. How about we become revolutionary comrades for the rest of our lives?"

He thought about the sweet words for a long time, but finally he just said this.

After finishing speaking, I wanted to bite off my own tongue.

Chen Xueniang's eyes widened. Could it be that Feng Qingxue didn't reply to her first when she received her letter, but contacted Zheng Jinrui first? Otherwise, why would this stick suddenly become enlightened?

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