Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1121 Jin Rui receives the letter 2

Zheng Jinrui said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Comrade Xue Niang, I didn't stick to my revolutionary beliefs, wasted five years in vain, and let down your youth. However, I think it's not too late, we are all still young now, and life is only a matter of time." It’s only halfway through, and in the rest of our lives we can work together for the common revolutionary goal, support each other, and never give up.”

The more Zheng Jinrui spoke, the more uneasy he became, his voice became lower and lower, and he felt a little lacking in confidence.

After five years, if I confess my love to Chen Xueniang again, will she refuse because she is angry?

Noticing the way Zheng Jinrui was secretly looking at her, Chen Xueniang suddenly stopped teasing him and stretched out her white hand, "I was just thinking about buying a watch!"

Zheng Jinrui exclaimed, ecstatic.

If he doesn't understand the meaning of Chen Xueniang's response, he will be the biggest fool in the world!

Zheng Jinrui was so excited that his hands were shaking. After trembling with difficulty, he finally took the watch out of the box. He then abandoned the box to the ground and only put the watch on Chen Xueniang's wrist.

Snow-white wrists and shiny watches complement each other.

Zheng Jinrui had already asked someone to change the size of the watch chain, so Chen Xueniang thought it was surprisingly suitable.

"It's an Omega. How much did it cost?" Chen Xueniang looked down.

Zheng Jinrui scratched his head and said, "I forgot. I bought it when I first arrived in the capital. I saw Comrade Lu Jiang and Comrade Qingxue wearing Rolexes. They looked very good. I wanted to buy you a Rolex, but the department store didn't have it in stock. There was only the Friendship Store. Yes, I couldn’t get in, so I had to settle for an Omega. But don’t worry, I’ll buy it for you if someone sells it.”

Chen Xueniang gave him an angry look, "Why should I buy it? That's not how money is spent." A Rolex cost five, six, or seven hundred.

"Yes, money!" Zheng Jinrui took out his bankbook from his pocket and stuffed it into Chen Xueniang's hand, "The money I have saved for half my life is here. I leave it to you. I will report every penny I spend to you in the future. !”

Holding the bankbook with Zheng Jinrui's body temperature in her hands, Chen Xueniang said softly: "You really don't care about my past identity?"

Zheng Jinrui replied seriously: "I only hate that I didn't have the ability, didn't know you earlier, and didn't save you from the sea of ​​misery earlier. The past has passed. If I cared, I wouldn't have persisted for these twenty years. Snow Girl, our life is in the future, instead of always being troubled by the past. You are a very good lesbian, you have knowledge and grace that many people don’t have, you have calmness and beauty that many people don’t have, and your behavior is just right. I am willing to spend the rest of my life protecting you and staying with you until the end of my life. I have always been afraid that you would think I was a rough guy and not worthy of you."

"I'm old, and I can't have children." Chen Xueniang said softly, "Although you are not young anymore, if you marry a young and healthy lesbian, you can still have your own children and carry on your family line."

Zheng Jinrui said with a smile: "Don't let the two of you live too comfortably. The children are just here to cause trouble. Just look at Comrade Lu Jiang and Comrade Qingxue. You have to worry about the children at home when you come to the capital. If I want If you want children, I won’t pursue you. Snow Girl, the most important thing in life is not your children, but your own life.”

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