Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1124 Eating secretly in the middle of the night 3

Feng Qingyun pursed her lips and smiled, "Yes, her surname is Wu, and her father is a military commander, or from the capital, but her mother had an affair during marriage and divorced Commander Wu. He Tiantian was the one who divorced her. She was born in 2011, and took her mother’s surname. Therefore, when people in the art team knew about He Tiantian’s background, they said her surname was Wu, and her name was He Tiantian. I thought about it, and it was probably ironic, because of He Tiantian’s background. It’s a bit unclear, even her mother is not sure whether her surname should be Wu or someone else’s.”

Feng Qingxue's reaction was to knock her sister on the head, "You came to the art troupe to learn singing and develop your hobbies, not to listen to people say these messy things. Do you understand what they mean? You are still married. Cheating!"

The little girl in her golden years really thinks she is an adult.

"I understand, I'm so smart, how could I not understand!" Feng Qingyun rubbed her head, "Isn't the cheating just because He Tiantian's mother was fooling around with other gay men during her marriage to Commander Wu? ? Wang Chengjun from our brigade hooked up with the young widow who lived behind his wife’s back. When they were discovered, they were almost beaten to death! "

There was a huge commotion in the Wanglou Brigade at that time, and even the children heard about the specific process and results.

Feng Qingxue said solemnly: "You are not allowed to say these things behind other people's backs in the future. We can't control what others say. It has no interest in the relatives and friends around us, so we shouldn't spread it everywhere."

"I understand, sister, I will only tell you in front of you." Feng Qingyun agreed without any hesitation.

Feng Qingxue hummed and said warmly: "The art troupe is a relatively complicated place. Although Teacher Yang and Teacher Fang are strict and responsible, people's hearts are unpredictable and no one can control other people's hearts. I agree with you to join the army and enter the art troupe. In the past two months, I have been thinking about being an art soldier in the team. I don’t know whether what I did is right or wrong, and whether it will affect your future. "

At this point, she sighed deeply.

Feng Qingyun took her hand and put it on his face, and said with a smile: "Sister, didn't you say that? My brother-in-law is so powerful, most people shouldn't bully me! When I grow up, my brother-in-law will be promoted again. There are fewer people who can bully me, so what should I be afraid of? I just need to keep my heart, learn my own songs, and complete my tasks.”

As smart as she is, she already knew what other art troupes were like from the gossips of her comrades. The key was that many people saw her young age and were not on guard against her.

Therefore, she knows much more about the art troupe than her sister.

"Sister!" She said with a very serious attitude, "What Teacher Yang and Teacher Fang can do, I can do it too. There are a few comrades in the art team who are greedy for vanity. After joining the art team, they always want to Climbing a dragon and attaching a phoenix, but I don’t need it! With my sister, my brother-in-law, and Xibao and Tianjun on my back, my conditions are so good. Do I need to climb a dragon and attach a phoenix to it? Are the elder sister and the younger brother-in-law a good couple? No, even if they have a higher status than the younger brother-in-law, they are both old men."

She is a young girl with strong roots and good conditions, so she will not let herself down and embarrass her sister and her family!

"Looking at her at such a young age, she speaks like an adult." Feng Qingxue felt relieved and secretly decided to pay attention to her sister's situation at all times, and take action immediately if she was disadvantageous.

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