Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1125 Eating secretly in the middle of the night 4

Feng Qingyun chuckled and looked down at her sister's big belly, "When will my brother-in-law come back? Can he come back during the National Day? We have been back for more than two months, and Xibao and Fubao have never seen their father."

She is worried now.

My sister is pregnant, and Xibao and Fubao are young. No one in the family can take care of them.

Feng Qingxue said calmly: "I told you it's a secret. I don't know when he will come back. All I can do is wait. When you marry a soldier, you have to be mentally prepared to have no one at home. It seems that the situation this time is indeed true. It’s very serious, otherwise he wouldn’t have left the station with so many soldiers and not come back for so long.”

What exactly did He Xiangqian stab at? Those who don’t know are left alone, and those who know are vague.

If Feng Qingxue hadn't seen He Xiangqian since she returned to the army, then she would have asked He Xiangqian face to face. Unfortunately, Commander He never appeared in front of her from beginning to end, including when she was eating in the cafeteria. silhouette.

Feng Qingxue was pregnant and exhausted from taking care of the child. She basically had three meals a day in the cafeteria.

Only when Feng Qingyun comes back to rest, will he cook a good meal and good food for his family with Feng Qingyun's help.

Of course, she would secretly eat nutritional supplements and various fruits and delicacies behind her back.

No, I woke up hungry in the middle of the night.

She touched the pillow, found the flashlight and turned it on, then went to the Kang table and lit a candle.

Although the electricity was on, she was afraid that the light would wake up her sleeping children.

After getting off the kang, he relieved himself first, washed his hands and then got on the kang. He spread his swollen legs and stood out with a round belly. Feng Qingxue sat at the kang table without any manners, took out a roast chicken from the space, and pulled it directly. Next I started chewing on a big chicken leg.

I feel hungry all the time recently, and I have a huge appetite. I always want to eat meat. I feel uncomfortable if I don't eat meat for a meal.

Fortunately, she has a space with enough meat stored in it. Otherwise, how would she be able to live her life?

She was happily chewing when the curtain on the door was suddenly lifted. Her heart skipped a beat and she raised her head suddenly. A face full of oil came into Lu Jiang's eyes. Her mouth was bulging and stuffed with chicken thighs. Meat chewed off.

Lu Jiang was stunned, "Honey, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Normally, my wife and children would be fast asleep at this point.

Feng Qingxue swallowed the chicken in her mouth with a few slurps, wiped the grease on the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and accused: "Why did you come back in the middle of the night? You didn't even say hello? I was so scared that I almost choked!"

Lu Jiang said helplessly: "As soon as I returned to the army, I ran home. How could I have time to say hello?"

He was dusty and dirty all the way, so instead of hugging his wife as he usually did, he took off his equipment, took off his clothes that were so dirty that he could not see their true colors, dragged the bathtub in the corner over, turned around and was about to let his wife She helped put some hot spring water for him to take a bath, but his eyes were all taken away by her bulging belly after getting off the kang!

"This...isn't this the same belly?" This was his first thought.

Hearing that his first sentence was not an idiotic question like "Why is your belly so big?", Feng Qingxue expressed satisfaction, took a bite of the chicken thigh in her hand, and said vaguely: "That's right, congratulations, Army Commander." , there will be two more children by the end of the year, if Master Shan’s calculation is correct, then there will be two sons.”

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