Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1126 Eating secretly in the middle of the night 5

At this time, how could Lu Jiang care whether he took a shower or not?

He carefully held his wife's arm and looked at her big belly under her pajamas with awe. He wanted to reach out and touch it but was afraid that his dirty hands would leave fingerprints on her clothes.

"Honey, I'm sorry."

Feng Qingxue understood the meaningless words and couldn't help but said, "What are you saying you're sorry for? If you tell me you're sorry every time you go on a mission, you'll have to say sorry 11,000 times."

"Wife, you are so kind!" Lu Jiang praised him without hesitation, suppressing the guilt in his heart. He continued to stare at his wife's belly, and soon became happy again, "Two, we will have our third and fourth children soon. , My wife, you are so awesome. My comrades in the army will definitely envy me. If dad knew that you had twins, he would be so happy that his eyebrows would fly. "

"If your eyebrows are flying, don't you mean you are bald? It's unsightly to be bald." Feng Qingxue continued to chew on the chicken thighs, "Get out of the way, I'll put some water for you and take a bath quickly, don't disturb me eating meat. You two kids are greedy. After eating it, I woke up hungry in the middle of the night.”

"Yes, yes, they are two little gluttons!" He agreed with everything his wife said and would never have any objections.

After Lu Jiang had taken a bath, Feng Qingxue had eaten enough. She washed her hands and sat on the kang, drinking lemonade. Seeing Lu Jiang getting on the kang, she pushed the remaining roasted chicken towards him with two chicken thighs missing. "You can eat it, I won't take it into the space."

Without his wife to take supplements secretly, and no time to wipe it off, Lu Jiang lost a lot of weight, became darker, and his cheeks were dark and red, making him look ten years older.

Feng Qingxue was heartbroken, "What kind of mission is it? Everyone says it's confidential."

Lu Jiang pulled a piece of meat from the roasted chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, "Since it's a secret, don't ask. Didn't I bring my brothers back safely? Although some people were injured, there were no deaths, which is unfortunate. What a blessing."

There was something wrong with the border defense line, and He Xiangqian couldn't be blamed for it.

Although the battles in previous years were completely victorious and the country's territorial integrity was maintained, foreigners thought that their country was weak and backward, yet it had such a vast and fertile land, so they were always eyeing it with evil intentions. Take advantage of the loopholes in the defense layout and sneak in.

The so-called loopholes appear during job transfers and handovers.

Coupled with the resurgence of bandits that had been wiped out in this plateau area, there has been a tendency to attack from both front and back.

If Zhao Yong, Su Junlin and other division commanders are here, they can definitely lead people to attack. Which of them does not have strong military talents? It happened that when Lu Jiang was on vacation, Zhao Yong was sent out on a business trip. Su Junlin happened to be sick, and a few scoundrels did not dare to take responsibility. He Xiangqian fell ill, so the army sent an emergency call to ask him to come back and take charge of the overall situation.

Lu Jiang had no time to argue with He Xiangqian. He took his people out the next day after arriving in the army. All logistical supplies were handed over to Ouyang Zijin, who had been renamed Ou Zijin.

If support had been sent immediately to prevent the war situation from deteriorating, Lu Jiang would not have wasted such a long time fighting this battle.

Even if they don't provide support, it's okay to report the news to the headquarters. In the end, He Xiangqian didn't do so. I don't know what he was thinking.

Lu Jiang couldn't tell his wife these things, so he said vaguely: "There may be some changes in the army recently. If there is nothing important at work, you can take leave and stay at home."

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