Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1127 Eating secretly in the middle of the night 6

"Asking for leave?" Feng Qingxue touched her belly, "The due date is at the end of the year. If I ask for maternity leave now, what will I do when the baby is born? I only have fifty-six days of maternity leave."

Lu Jiang smiled and said, "Do you have to work hard even when you feel uncomfortable? I don't mean to ask you to take maternity leave."

It's not just about taking maternity leave. Maternity leave must be used wisely, that is, before and after the birth. Feng Qingxue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, my belly is getting bigger and bigger, and I also feel a little powerless. I always feel tired. And I get hungry easily. I will file a request for leave early tomorrow morning, and the army will definitely not refuse because of my big belly. "

Lu Jiang felt very distressed after hearing this. He washed his oiled hands and came back to touch her belly. "When these two boys come out, I will teach them a lesson. How can they make mother work so hard?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Fubao say: "Hit! Hit! Hit hard! Spank!"

My daughter is awake? You actually have such a big grudge against your younger brother?

As soon as the couple turned around, under the weak candlelight, they saw their daughter turned over and sleeping soundly with the quilt rolled up, with a white and tender foot stepping on Xibao's face.

Xibao seemed to feel itchy in his sleep, so he casually pulled off his sister's feet.

It turned out to be just a dream talk, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue smiled knowingly.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw my father sleeping soundly on the kang. Not to mention Xibao's excitement. He jumped up and down and was about to fall on top of his father, but he was lifted up to relieve himself and just returned. When Feng Qingxue reached the kang, he grabbed her and whispered: "Dad came back in the middle of the night. He is very sleepy and tired. Xibao, please be good and don't wake dad up."

Xibao covered his mouth with both hands and nodded desperately, "Xibao, be good, daddy is sleepy, Xibao don't bother daddy!"

But Lu Jiang was so alert that he immediately opened his eyes. Although he had reported to the headquarters yesterday, he was still He Xiangqian's subordinate here and had to make a simple summary report.

He got up and made breakfast, and Fu Bao, who always liked to sleep in, rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Dad!" The little girl was so happy that she fell into his arms and stayed close to him when she went to work.

The abandoned Feng Qingxue took her son away and filed a leave request on the pretext of feeling unwell. Considering that it was extremely difficult for her to be pregnant with twins, the army did not embarrass her and quickly approved it.

After Lu Jiang reported his work, he also got a few days off and spent every day at home with his wife and children.

It was really hard every time I saw my wife’s swollen body, how often she went to the toilet, etc. Her legs and feet cramped at night, and she occasionally had urinary incontinence. Her feet were so swollen that she couldn’t even put on slippers. In the end, she made a pair of oversized slippers. Reluctantly stuffing his feet in, Lu Jiang felt extremely distressed, "We don't want to have any more children, not anymore, not even one."

Feng Qingxue held his shoulders and said with a smile: "Master Shan said that you are destined to have four sons, and there is still one missing!"

"I don't want any more!" Lu Jiang said without hesitation.

Shang Kun, who followed Lu Jiang on this mission, coughed outside and gave a reminder. After getting permission, he opened the curtain and came in, "I don't want anything? Army Commander, you must dare to say that you don't want the baby in my sister-in-law's belly." These two kids, I think most brothers will strip you, twins, how rare.”

"Why are you here free?"

Shang Kun said seriously: "As for the appointment letter, it has been signed."

. . . The eighth update was placed yesterday, and the tenth update is placed today. I am such a good boy. Please vote.

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