Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1128 One Pregnancy and Three Treasures 1

Regarding the appointment of military commanders of an army, it is not decided by the military region. The military region headquarters has no right to influence the appointment and dismissal of military commanders, but they have the right to report the achievements and mistakes of subordinate generals in various battles, so the final result is determined by The highest military body decides, and the old leader personally signs the letter of appointment.

Although it was a military secret and many inside stories were unknown, at least Feng Qingxue was not qualified to pry into the truth, but He Xiangqian's mistake should be extremely involved, otherwise Lu Jiang would not have become a regular employee because of this.

Yes, on the occasion of the National Day, Lu Jiang became a regular employee.

The word "agent" was removed in a short period of time, and He Xiangqian was demoted from a full-time army officer to a quasi-divisional level, and had to accept other sanctions. He thus became Lu Jiang's subordinate. It is said that This is still based on his past achievements.

Feng Qingxue became the army commander's wife unknowingly, and she became very popular instantly.

The difference between an acting army commander and a full-time army commander is huge. Even if the former is fully responsible for all affairs of a group army like the full-time army commander, it is not as legitimate as the latter. The salary level, benefits, etc. are all raised accordingly.

"Qingxue, you are so enviable!" Bai Xue's eyes turned red with envy, "The army commander has become my old Su's immediate boss at such a young age. You will have a bright future in the future, and you already have a son and a daughter. Now I’m pregnant with twins, both sons, which makes me jealous beyond words.”

Feng Qingxue interrupted her, "Son? Who said the twins are sons? Who can determine the gender before they are born?"

Bai Xue rolled her eyes at her, "Two days ago, Sister Sanbao used a stethoscope to listen to the fetal heartbeat. Didn't she say that the fetal heartbeat was strong and it was probably a boy? She made a very accurate conclusion. Although there was a slight error, the error was very small."

"Don't say that. If everyone comes to Sister Sanbao to determine the gender, it will be a mess. It's not like you don't know how some people prefer sons over daughters." Feng Qingxue said hurriedly, "Besides, fetal heartbeat Being strong and gentle does not distinguish between men and women. Maybe you can have a daughter with a man's heart and a son with a daughter's heart!"

Bai Xue thought for a while and said, "This makes sense. I won't say it again. But when did I say it in front of outsiders? I'll just say it in front of you. I'm not stupid."

"It's okay if you didn't say anything." Feng Qingxue was relieved.

Bai Xue leaned forward and whispered: "While your baby is going to watch the National Day performance with his father, you can tell me the secret recipe for having a baby! Look at me, I have been married several times now. It’s been 2 years and I still don’t have a son and a half, so I’m very worried!”

If she wanted Su Junlin to be of the same mind as her, she would have to give birth to a child so that she could gain a foothold in the Su family.

Feng Qingxue glanced at her, "You didn't ask Sister-in-law Xiuying and Sister Sanbao to help you take a look? I'm a half-assed doctor, what secret recipe can I come up with? The most basic secret recipe is that my father and I are in good health and have nothing wrong with us. "

"Who said I didn't look for them? I already looked for them." Bai Xue's face dropped, "They all said there was nothing wrong with my health."

There is nothing wrong with Bai Xue, but Su Junlin is the one who has the problem.

What is so difficult to understand.

Obstacles to fertility have always been equally divided between men and women.

Bai Xue saw what she meant from Feng Qingxue's face, and sighed softly, "I would like Lao Su to find a doctor for a thorough examination to see where the problem is so that we can treat it. But I'm afraid of getting hurt. He has been hesitating about his face until now. After all, he already has so many children and there is no shortage of children at all. How can he lose this face? "

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