Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1129 One Pregnancy and Three Treasures 2

Feng Qingxue spread her hands and said, "It's useless for you to tell me about this matter. I don't have the sharp eyes to judge Comrade Su's physical condition without feeling his pulse."

"I think you are very powerful and you should be able to find a way." After a moment of silence, Bai Xue said this.

"No way!" Feng Qingxue said simply, remembering that although Su Junlin and Bai Xue had been married for more than 40 years, they had not given birth to a child who was related to them. This was probably the biggest revenge Bai Xue could get.

Not only did Bai Xue not have any, Captain Bai also had no heirs throughout his life.

According to Feng Qingxue's understanding of Captain Bai, he probably didn't want to give birth to a child and face everyone's strange eyes.

As for Bai Xue, it might be Su Junlin's problem.

At such an old age and having experienced hundreds of battles, his body naturally retains the sequelae of various injuries and illnesses. Every time it is cold and freezing, he will go to the hospital several times. It is said that these are the root causes of diseases left during the Anti-Japanese War.

Bai Xue was immediately disappointed after hearing Feng Qingxue's reply.

"There's really nothing we can do?" She was still a little unwilling to give up.

Feng Qingxue turned her head and thought for a moment, "It's probably powerless!"

"What does it mean? Don't be ambiguous." A glimmer of hope flashed in Bai Xue's eyes.

"Look, you yourself don't have the confidence to persuade Mr. Su to see a doctor. I'm not a god. How can I know his physical condition and carry out corresponding treatment and conditioning? If Mr. Su is willing to undergo a detailed examination, then we can find the cause of the disease. , look at the results of treatment, there may be a glimmer of hope. If Mr. Su is not willing, everything he says will be in vain.”

Bai Xue thought for a while and asked, "You are good at Chinese medicine, right?"

"Yes and no. I am a combination of Chinese and Western medicine. Surgery is pretty good, and Chinese medicine is certainly not bad either. I am currently studying the medical notes my master left for me, and I have learned a lot."

"Great!" Bai Xue clasped her hands together and prayed, "I will ask Lao Su to come to your house tomorrow. You can take advantage of the opportunity to feel his pulse and tell me the result later. For what reason? Oh, By the way, your army commander had a hidden injury from a previous battle, which was later cured. I am very worried about him, so I ask you to check his pulse and take care of it, especially his old joints. "

Feng Qingxue was speechless, "Okay, but in some aspects, Chinese medicine's pulse checking is still not as good as Western medicine's instruments."

Moreover, Chinese medicine is all about looking, hearing and asking, so what’s the point if you don’t ask?

But he couldn't ask Su Junlin in detail about fertility issues, which would make both parties embarrassed.

Bai Xue did what he said, and took the next day off. As expected, he invited Su Junlin to visit and brought a basket of high-priced goods such as canned food, luncheon meat, and toffee. He didn't feel any distress at all.

"I said this is an old problem and doesn't need treatment. Comrade Bai Xue insisted on letting me come." Su Junlin was a little embarrassed.

Joint problems like theirs are difficult to cure, and they feel very miserable every rainy day.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Baixue is caring about you, Comrade Su. Come on, let's not talk nonsense. Let me feel your pulse first. Then I will give the prescription to Bai Xue and ask her to prepare the medicine for you and supervise You keep taking it.”

Su Junlin was not polite and put his hand on the porcelain pillow that had been prepared on the Kang table.

This welcome pillow is an antique. Father Lu collected it from the flea market in the capital.

Feng Qingxue felt Su Junlin's pulse, and carefully observed his face, tongue, etc., and she had a good idea. She asked a few simple questions, which of course had nothing to do with fertility, but mainly focused on Su Junlin's physical condition, and then wrote Got the recipe.

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