Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1130 One Pregnancy and Three Treasures 3

Bai Xueruo found the treasure and snatched the prescription into his own hands.

"Just follow the prescription and take the medicine?" Bai Xue confirmed to Feng Qingxue again and again.

Feng Qingxue put down her pen, pushed the kang table to the end of the kang, and said with a smile: "Follow this recipe and go to the Chinese medicine pharmacy to get medicine. Take ten pills first, and then come to me for a follow-up consultation after ten pills. At that time, the medicinal materials will be adjusted according to the physical condition. . Bai Xue, conditioning cannot be achieved overnight, you have to be patient, it will take about three to five months to achieve some results.”

Bai Xue carefully folded the prescription and put it in his pocket, "I remembered it and will grab the medicine soon. Well, Lao Su's joints hurt. Doesn't taking medicine help? Is there any way to relieve it? I remember you have a medicinal oil." "

"Oh, that medicated oil you mentioned, I'll get you a bottle." Feng Qingxue asked Lu Jiang to open the cabinet, took out the medicated oil in cans and bottles and handed it to Su Junlin, "The previous medicated oil has disappeared long ago. This is This year, when I went home, our nephew made the recipe according to the recipe, so I brought a few bottles over. Three or four times a day, I put a few drops on the painful areas of the joints and rub it in. "

Su Junlin thanked her profusely, and Bai Xue left Lu's house and went to grab the medicine without any delay.

Seeing this situation, Su Junlin was particularly moved.

Wang Sanbao was on duty today. Before the pharmacy staff took the medicine, he looked at the prescription and found that it was actually a medicine that strengthens the kidneys, replenishes essence, and strengthens yang. He immediately knew what kind of disease it was treating, and couldn't help but glance at Bai Xue.

"I'll get you medicine!" Wang Sanbao held the prescription and smiled, fearing that the little girl in the pharmacy would go out and say nonsense.

A girl who works in a pharmacy naturally knows how to identify medicinal materials and knows the characteristics of some medicinal materials. If she says a few words about what medicinal materials Bai Xue caught for Su Junlin while chatting with her colleagues, everyone will know about it in an instant.

Bai Xue said sheepishly: "Sorry to trouble you, Sister Sanbao."

Wang Sanbao took out the pill, grabbed ten pairs of medicines according to the prescription, wrapped them one by one in oil paper, and finally tied them into a long string with hemp rope and handed it to Bai Xue, "Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine takes effect slowly, and the emphasis is on conditioning. , but there will be no sequelae. If your old Su takes this medicine, he must continue to take it, and the effect will appear in three to four months. "

Bai Xue smiled and said: "Qingxue said the same thing, I have remembered it."

"Is Qingxue okay?" Wang Sanbao asked, "She has been on leave for several days now. I treat the illnesses and injuries of the returning soldiers every day, and I don't have time to see her."

"It's very hard. I walk with such a big belly. I feel scared when I walk. Are twins pregnant with such a big belly?" Bai Xue said seriously, seeing Feng Qingxue's clumsy and slow movements and bloated body. , her appearance was deformed, and there were spots under her eyes. She didn't know whether it was good or bad for her to have a baby.

Regarding the pregnancy spots on her face, although they were not too numerous and only appeared under her eyes, they made Feng Qingxue uncomfortable for a long time.

"I ate bird's nest immediately after I learned that I was pregnant. In order to promote the development of the fetus and for my own skin, why did I get spots? Is it because I didn't eat it before pregnancy? But I didn't eat it before I was pregnant with Xibao and Fubao. Eat." Feng Qingxue looked at it again and again in the mirror. She almost finished eating the bird's nests in the space. "It's difficult to fade these pregnancy spots. What should I do next?"

Lu Jiang comforted him: "Don't be sad. Even if the white jade is slightly flawed, you are still more beautiful than everyone else."

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