Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1132 One Pregnancy and Three Treasures 5

Everyone knows that Lu Jiang has two children at home, and Feng Qingxue is pregnant with twins and has to work. It is difficult to take care of both, so they understand their behavior of hiring a nanny. No one will say that they live a decadent bourgeois life.

Many dual-income families do not have an elderly person to take care of their children, so they hire nannies. The nanny stole the grandson of Lu Shuai's family at that time.

Yes, Feng Qingxue took a break and then continued working.

Everyone was considerate of her and rarely let her work. She basically spent her time in the office studying the medical notes left by Guo Ming.

Xibao and Fubao sometimes follow Feng Qingxue, sometimes they follow Lu Jiang, but they don’t stay at home too often. Tian Ling’s main tasks are to wash clothes, cook and clean, and provide services for Feng Qingxue. Prepare for production.

Sometimes Feng Qingxue takes her children to eat in the cafeteria, and she doesn't even have to cook.

The two families are in the same family compound, so it is very convenient to go back and forth.

As the due date approaches, letters and packages arrive one after another.

Some were prepared by their families, some were prepared by Wang Xinsheng and his wife, some were prepared by Cheng Baoguo and his wife, and some were prepared by Chen Xueniang. Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue knew from their daily correspondence that Feng Qingxue was pregnant with twins, and they wanted to give everything they had.

Knowing that Feng Qingxue was pregnant with twins, she prepared double copies of many things.

Tian Ling felt dazzled when she was sorting out the swaddling clothes, clothes, diapers, milk powder and various nutritional products.

The comrades in the army did not watch indifferently. One gave a swaddling baby, another gave two pieces of clothes and a pair of shoes, or they tore open the unworn clothes to make diapers. Basically, the few brown sugars in the Military Region Service Club were bought by everyone and sent to the Lu family. , Ouyang Zijin also found a way to get a basket of eggs for Feng Qingxue to replenish her body, "I will find a way to get them during confinement."

Guo Xiuying walked into Feng Qingxue's office carrying a big baggage with a confused look on her face.

"My father and my mother sent it. My father said in the letter that, counting the days, you are about to give birth. They made two swaddling clothes and two sets of clothes for the child. I took a look at the letter and it was written to you. I guess it was written to you. I wanted to send it to you, but when I filled out the address and recipient, I entered it by mistake. Xiaoxue, how did my father and mother know that you were about to give birth? "

Feng Qingxue blurted out: "Didn't I tell my sister-in-law?"

"What did you say?" Guo Xiuying said smoothly.

"I have already become your master!" Feng Qingxue raised a notebook in her hand, "Well, this is one of Master's medical notes. They were all given to me when I became my disciple."

Guo Xiuying's eyes widened instantly, "When did my father accept you as his disciple?"

As soon as Feng Qingxue heard her words, she knew something was wrong. She must have forgotten to tell her.

She quickly smiled and said, "During Ajiang and I's vacation, we went to the capital. When we were visiting old comrade Wang Xinsheng and Aunt Guo Yan, we met Master by chance. Master thought I was a talented person and accepted me as a disciple."

Guo Xiuying put down her baggage and reached out to tap her forehead.

"You, you, did you become stupid by being pregnant with these twins? You didn't tell me such an important thing! I just said, I happened to catch a glimpse of your medical notes and they looked more and more familiar. It turned out to be my father's. !" Guo Xiuying laughed angrily.

Feng Qingxue had a silly smile on her face, "But how could my sister-in-law not recognize Master's handwriting?"

Guo Xiuying said: "I have been working for so many years, and I have only gone back a handful of times. Even when I am on vacation, I always go to my parents-in-law to see the children. I have long been unfamiliar with his handwriting."

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