Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1133 One Pregnancy and Three Treasures 6

Feng Qingxue exclaimed, "This is my sister-in-law's fault. Even if I can't go back to visit the old man, I shouldn't forget the master's handwriting. Although I have only been a disciple for more than half a year, I have already engraved the master's handwriting in my mind, no matter what I will be able to tell if it is Master’s original work at a glance.”

She said it with confidence because she could do it.

"Do you think I'm like you? I'm so busy spinning around like a top every day. I have to work and take care of my children. I don't forget to practice calligraphy, painting and learn foreign languages ​​at home. There's really no one busier than you in the world. "Guo Xiuying admired Feng Qingxue in her heart for scheduling her time so tightly and studying tirelessly. Lu Jiang didn't have the patience. He could only practice calligraphy with his wife and read books, "You study calligraphy. Naturally, I can remember my father’s handwriting, but I can’t do it because I don’t specialize in this.”

Seeing Feng Qingxue lowering her head to unpack, Guo Xiuying sat down next to her.

"Qingxue, think carefully. If there is anything else you forgot to tell me, I will tell you all today."

"No more, right? Although I've been neglecting things a lot lately, I haven't forgotten any important things. What I've forgotten are just some things that can be said or not." Feng Qingxue said casually, touching the swaddling clothes and the soft clothes on her clothes. I was very touched by the stitches and said, "Master and Mistress are so kind to me. They must have spent a lot of money on cloth and cotton, right? They are all new."

Guo Xiuying didn't answer and just said: "I don't believe it is gone. Think about it carefully and don't forget it again."

Feng Qingxue racked her brains and thought about it for a long time, then spread her hands and said: "No more, really no more. My good sister-in-law, I have told you everything that needs to be told to you, and you know what I have not told you, so there is no need for me to say more. ”

Guo Xiuying then said: "Then you go back early, your belly is getting bigger and bigger, be careful and don't be so tired."

"It's so nice to be in the hospital. If I give birth suddenly, I can give birth directly in the hospital. I don't have to run from home to the hospital. I am relaxed and everyone is relaxed." This is Feng Qingxue's original intention of going to work every day. The journey back and forth is quite long. Yu exercised.

The due date of twins is generally earlier than that of singletons. Counting the days, it is really very soon.

"I've been wondering. The army saw that you were working too hard to be pregnant and was going to give you a holiday. You disagreed and insisted on working. That's the original intention! Fortunately, we privately said that you are dedicated." It's so clever that people don't know what to say. Okay, Guo Xiuying shook her head, "Okay, that's it for today. I'll go back and take the baggage back to you."

Feng Qingxue did not refuse, "Then I'll bother you, sister-in-law. Thank you for your understanding and concern."

After work, Lu Jiang brought his children and security guards to pick up his wife, but it was all in vain.

"Now, I won't make a trip when you guys are here." Guo Xiuying handed the baggage to Lu Jiang, "You guys, don't delay, hurry up and go home to be with Qingxue. This pregnancy is really not easy for her."

Still talking about Guo Xiuying? Lu Jiang rushed home without stopping.

Tian Ling has gone home. The house is neatly tidied, the clothes are washed and put on the clothesline, and the food is placed on the table. Feng Qingxue is so hungry that she has no time to wait for her husband and children, and is eating and drinking. Swallowing the food in his mouth, "Are you back? Take a bowl and serve your own rice. Sister Tian baked the cakes. They are delicious."

Zhou Rong said hurriedly: "Sister-in-law, please sit down while I serve the rice."

Looking at Feng Qingxue's big belly, not to mention Lu Jiang, even Zhou Rong felt frightened.

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