Feng Qingxue’s production was simply thrilling.

After learning that the mother and son were safe, a group of people waiting outside finally breathed a sigh of relief, with some smiles on their faces.

Triplets, triplets!

Lu Jiang, who was squatting in the corner, stood up with a loud noise and wiped his face, "Where's the little one? How is the situation?" He could see clearly that Xiao Wu was just like a kitten when he was born, crying. Just a little bit.

Looking at his unshaven appearance, Guo Xiuying replied: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Only three pounds and eight taels..."

Before he could say "How can I applaud", he was interrupted by Guo Xiuying, "You guys, you have Xibao and Fubao to compare. One is more than seven pounds and the other is more than eight pounds, so I think the old and the young are different. Weak and small, but you ask around, how many single-born children weigh only three or four pounds at birth? In difficult times, if they can weigh five pounds, it is because the mother is well-nourished. Don't worry, just rely on your meticulousness. Good luck, the little one will grow up safely."

She is a doctor, can't she judge the child's condition?

Wang Sanbao continued: "I am also saying the same thing. Don't worry about heaven and earth. If you have time to worry, you might as well take good care of it."

For this reason, others felt relieved, but Lu Jiang was still worried. With the permission of the two doctors, he hurried into the delivery room. When he saw the three infants and his exhausted wife side by side, his eyes couldn't help but heat up.

Feng Qingxue was tired and sleepy, but she still had some pain after giving birth and was worried about her little son, so she couldn't sleep.

"Ajiang, come here quickly, we have three sons all at once! The second one is very domineering and doesn't want to celebrate his birthday on the same day as the eldest son, but in the end he has to celebrate his birthday with his younger brother." Seeing her husband, Feng Qing Xue shouted, unable to help showing a distressed expression, "I said before that I could foresee my future hardships if I was pregnant with two, but now I have one more, and it's become triplets."

Lu Jiang came over and held her sweat-damp hair, picked up a scarf and wrapped it around her, "Don't sweat, be careful of freezing your head." He looked down and saw that she had changed into dry clothes with the help of doctors and nurses. A little more relieved.

Dr. Liao and the two nurses who delivered the baby were packing up their tools. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Yes, Commander of the Army, you have to take care of the mother and the child so carefully. Comrade Qingxue has been greatly damaged this time. She must take good care of herself during the confinement period." "Take up. If the milk is sufficient, I won't say anything. If the milk is not enough for three babies, then you must stick to the baby first. Mother's milk is better than any milk powder."

"Don't worry, we will definitely take care of the little ones first." They are so small and weak, so they must be taken good care of. Although it seems a bit unfair to the third and fourth children, there is nothing we can do!

After listening to Lu Jiang's words, Doctor Liao nodded slightly and said, "As long as you know what's going on, I'm just reminding you in vain."

After Dr. Liao and the nurse left one after another, Lu Jiang immediately squatted down and lay on his wife's bedside, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, "Honey, thank you for your hard work. It's really hard on you. I'm pregnant with three, giving birth to three. "

"Look at what you said, am I pregnant with three children and only have two children?"

Feng Qingxue's witty words eased his worries, and then asked: "Have you eaten?"

"I've eaten, I've eaten." Did he want to eat when his wife was giving birth? The first thing he asked after seeing him after giving birth was whether he had eaten. Lu Jiang's eyes became hot again and he couldn't help but said, "Have a good rest and don't worry about anything."

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