How can you not care about anything? Feng Qingxue looked behind him, "Where are Xibao and Fubao?"

"They're all here." Knowing that the delivery room was packed, Zhao Yong, Ouyang Zijin, Mr. and Mrs. Shang Kun and Mr. and Mrs. Qiao Desheng came in with their two children, put them on the empty bed next to them, turned over, and the brother and sister were still sleeping soundly. , very carefree.

Feng Qingyun was the last one to come in. When she saw her sister's condition, she burst into tears.

"Sister!" Why are you so embarrassed?

Her face was not good at all, it was pale and pale, with a faint air of weakness, unlike the rosy face when she gave birth to Xibao.

After hearing what her sister said, Feng Qingxue didn't have time to respond and looked at the others in surprise, "A Jiang can just stay here with me. Why didn't you go back to rest? I'm so sorry that I made you stay up all night with me."

"What are you apologizing for? Look at how polite you are."

After Yang Fengying finished speaking, she and Fang Ning immediately moved closer to the triplets, with curiosity in their eyes and a wide grin.

The third child and the fourth child look alike, with the same facial features, mouth and nose. It’s hard to tell which one is the third child and which one is the fourth child. The old and young...the old and the young can tell them apart at a glance. They are too small and wrinkled and red. A small group.

Feng Qingyun turned to the other side of the bed, lying on the bedside and looking at her sister, with worry in her eyes.

"I'm fine, mother and child are safe, don't lose the golden beans." Feng Qingxue comforted her sister. She gave birth to children one after another. Her sister was waiting outside and must have been frightened. Feng Qingxue felt full of pity in her heart.

At this time, Fang Ning asked, "How can we tell the difference between the third and fourth children?" However, the clothes of the infants were also exactly the same.

Feng Qingxue yawned, "I remember sister-in-law Xiuying said that the third child had a black mole on the sole of his foot, the fourth child had a green birthmark on his butt, and the fifth child...the fifth child didn't say anything. We'll see if he has any signs in a few days. What characteristics?"

His voice gradually became softer, and Lu Jiang hurriedly said: "Qingxue, please take a nap."

Feng Qingxue didn't want to sleep, but her eyelids became tighter and tighter, and she fell asleep without realizing it.

Upon seeing this, Shang Kun and his wife Qiao Desheng waved to Lu Jiang and prepared to leave.

Lu Jiang stopped Shang Kun and lowered his voice: "After you have breakfast, send me a piece of paper and pen. If there is no major incident in the army recently, I am going to take a few days off." Fortunately, he can take care of his wife and children in the hospital or at home.

He is the commander of the army, and he knows best whether there is any major incident in the army.

Shang Kun said softly: "Okay, the biggest thing right now is to prepare for the New Year's Day activities. That is the task of the cultural team. You don't have to worry about the training and competition of the soldiers below. They are led by generals at all levels. You will be the referee when the time comes. Just show up at the meeting.”

When there is no war, everyone is very considerate.

Yang Fengying also said: "It's almost dawn, I'll ask my mother to cook some millet porridge and bring it over, mix it with some brown sugar."

"Sorry for bothering you." Lu Jiang's voice was very solemn. Although he had told Tian Ling to deliver it in the morning last night, he was still grateful for everyone's kindness.

Everyone left one after another, leaving only Lu Jiang's family of seven and Feng Qingyun, and Lu Jiang spoke.

"Xiaoyun, you still have to attend rehearsals and prepare for New Year's Day activities. You have only been in the army for a few months. It is not good to be absent. Go and rest quickly. I am here." Lu Jiang raised his head and looked at his sister-in-law opposite, "Don't let your sister wake up Worried about seeing you."

Feng Qingyun reluctantly stood up and said, "Brother-in-law, don't forget to tell me if you have anything to do. I will come and see my sister when I have time."

"Okay, let's go!"

The room fell silent for a moment.

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