Lu Jiang looked at his watch. The pointer pointed to the right of five o'clock.

In another two or three hours, it will be almost dawn.

He tucked his wife under the quilt, put her arms under the quilt, stood up to check on his eldest son and daughter, straightened the military coats wrapped around them, and then observed the condition of the triplets, his eyes staying on the little one. Wu had the most, and after confirming that although his breathing was weaker than that of his brother, it was very steady, he gently exhaled and let go of his heart that was hanging in the air.

How to raise a baby, or three of them together, is what Lu Jiang is most worried about right now.

Although Tian Ling has been hired to help, and Yang Fengying also said that she would let her mother help take care of her wife during the confinement period, Lu Jiang just feels uneasy. There are three babies, and he has to wash three diapers!

It's okay if the three babies sleep at the same time, but I'm afraid that one of them is asleep and the other is awake, or two are asleep and one is awake, or the three babies have three different sleep times. What the hell should the babies do? It's fine if I'm here, but when I'm not around, will my baby be staring at the three babies all the time? She won't rest? Not to mention the ensuing breastfeeding problem.

The issue of accommodation... The house is small and can be ignored with only one kang, and the specifications of the family room have been further improved. Now that he and his wife have five children, they can apply to move to the largest house in the family courtyard.

Yes, while my wife and children are temporarily hospitalized, I will immediately apply for a new house and ask my comrades to help move!

Just as Lu Jiang made up his mind, he heard footsteps coming from outside. He went over to open the door before the other party knocked, but it was Doctor Liao who said, "I'm here to check Comrade Qingxue's postpartum condition and the baby's physical condition."

"Didn't Comrade Liao just leave not long ago?" Why didn't you leave after the inspection?

Doctor Liao looked at Lu Jiang speechlessly and pointed to the Yingnag on his wrist, "Look at what time it is now."

Lu Jiang looked down and saw that it was actually seven o'clock. He couldn't help but smile awkwardly and hurriedly stepped aside to let in.

Feng Qingxue had a child in her heart and felt very light. When she heard the conversation between Lu Jiang and Doctor Liao, she immediately opened her eyes. Although she was seriously lacking in sleep, two or three hours of sleep was enough for her to regain some energy.

"Doctor Liao, how long have I been sleeping? Is it time to breastfeed?" Feng Qingxue struggled to sit up, and Lu Jiang quickly stepped forward to help.

"I'm here to check your physical condition. Feed the baby if it cries."

Before Dr. Liao finished his sentence, one of the babies started crying. I don’t know if it was the third or fourth baby. As his cry started to sound, the other two also started crying, one high, one low, one strong and one strong. weak.

"These three babies are so clever. They woke up as soon as they talked about feeding." Doctor Liao first carried Xiao Wu into Feng Qingxue's arms.

When she saw poor Xiao Wu, Feng Qingxue felt heartbroken and hurriedly untied her clothes to feed him.

Although the little guy was just a few hours old, his natural instinct made him suck hard. As a result, he was too weak and couldn't suck it out. His little face turned red and he couldn't help but cry.

"What can we do!" Lu Jiang was so anxious that he was sweating all over.

Feng Qingxue reacted quickly, "Bring the guy who cries the loudest over here. He must be very strong. Let him take a few sips. Once the milk flows smoothly, feed Xiao Wu."

Doctor Liao was here, but he was too embarrassed to ask Lu Jiang to help.

Doctor Liao quickly brought the third or fourth child over. The little guy leaned over his ration and sucked and swallowed in large gulps. The sucking made Feng Qingxue shiver, it hurt, and the force was so strong.

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