Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1161: Never suffer future troubles 5

The most important thing is that when she made such a report, the entire Wanglou Brigade suffered. Their Wanglou Brigade had been in glory for several years and had long been a thorn in the side of some brigades. Isn't this an opportunity for others to attack their own brigades?

The folks in the Wanglou Brigade have always been very smart, and they have to figure out what the slightest trouble means.

Wang Zhengguo said angrily: "Who do you think our Wanglou Brigade is? Just accuse us of it casually? You have no evidence at all to prove that you are the biological mother of Guancheng and Guanyu, and you keep saying that you want to sue us. Take over my niece's home and use her adopted children. Okay, come with our commune, or go to the county and city committees. When did the children raised by us poor working people become bad elements? Spies and agents?"

Grandpa Lu San was very angry, "You girl, you don't speak human words or do human things. You have no humanity, so you come to our brigade to cause trouble. Our children don't recognize you at all. If you can't achieve your goal, you will become angry and angry. This is only natural." You are unreasonable, okay, Zhengguo, let’s go and take a few people with her to go up there and ask the higher ups to tell right from wrong!”

He said this with confidence and was not afraid of investigation at all, just like Guancheng's previous plan. The two children were young and had no memory of the past. They had no memory of the Guan family. They were orphans and were involved in the Guan family's old millet and rotten sesame matters. Not to them.

Wang Xiangmei can sever ties with her parents-in-law, but why can't Guancheng Guanyu, who has never lived in the Guan family?

The Lu family's composition is not good, but the old leader has already spoken. Lu Jiang's identity is there. As long as it is not involved in the struggle for power from above, and no high-ranking official deliberately targets Lu Jiang, ordinary people will not interfere with the Lu family.

Therefore, the composition of the Lu family is not a problem at all at this time.

Neither of them is a problem, who is afraid of whom?

"Yes, take a trip!"

"His grandma comes to our brigade to act wild. If you want to save your life, just say so!"

"Don't say that Guancheng and Guanyu don't know their parents in their hometown, so what if they are descendants of the Guan family? They grew up in front of us. They are the children of our working people and have nothing to do with the Guan family! You said yourself that you are a capitalist’s lady and you have drawn a clear line between you and your mother-in-law’s family. If you can live well, why can’t your two children?”

Many young people had a good time with Guancheng and immediately rolled up their sleeves.

They didn't care whether what the old woman in front of them said was true or not, and they didn't care whether Guan Cheng was a so-called Guan family member. Anyway, Guan Cheng was their brother and had saved the lives of several of them, so they couldn't ignore what was happening.

Seeing that things did not develop according to her wishes, Wang Xiangmei was anxious and angry. She never expected that the gangsters in the Wanglou Brigade would be so difficult to deal with. They didn't care about the origins of Guancheng and Guanyu, and kept targeting herself. It is simply impossible to achieve today's goal and cannot guarantee the future life of his mother and child.

She turned her head and sat down on the spot, slapping her thighs and crying loudly, "Oh my God, please open your eyes and see. Why didn't you strike with thunder and kill this guy who doesn't recognize his mother?" Dutiful son! His mother, brother and sister are about to starve and freeze to death. I gave birth to him and raised him, and he wants to repay me like this with a whole brigade of people sending us to the government!"

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