Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1162: Never suffer future troubles 6

Seeing Wang Xiangmei's eyes bursting with tears and runny nose, someone pulled the sleeves of Miao Fengqin and Wang Fengqiao.

When the aunt and sister-in-law turned around, it was Jin Cuihua.

"Auntie, sister-in-law, is she really Tianjun's biological aunt? Tianjun's grandfather's family is so rich. His uncle has been abroad and drank foreign ink. How could he marry such a wife? She is even more vulgar than me!" Jin Cuihua He straightened his chest and touched his temples, "I just heard from the crowd that she is the wealthy daughter of a capitalist. Is this really what a capitalist lady is like?"

Compared with Wang Xiangmei, Jin Cuihua felt that she had become a fairy, and she was still a quiet and reasonable fairy. She was not as shameless as Wang Xiangmei, and she could compete with Wang Lingzhi.

Miao Fengqin coughed and did not answer.

Wang Zhengguo, who was standing in front of Miao Fengqin, pretended not to hear it, let alone that he had seen the wealthy daughter of a wealthy family, even in her fifties, sixties or seventies, still cleaning the toilet calmly and gracefully, meticulously, even if she was in trouble.

Wang Fengqiao whispered: "Looking at her appearance, she should be right. The mole on her chin is very bright. It was said to be a noble mole at first. Now, compared with the Guan family that has been wiped out, she is really noble as a working class person. No. , Didn’t she say that she is a working class person? How come the working class people can’t support themselves and their children and come to our brigade to act wild?”

Wang Fengqiao scratched her head, somewhat confused about Wang Xiangmei's situation.

"What's wrong with the working class? There are many working class people who don't have enough to eat!" Jin Cuihua was not polite at all. "I have also been to the city a few times. Many city people earn money alone and spend it on the whole family, including all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Life is very tight, and we have to pay for everything we eat. It’s not necessarily better than us. Although we don’t have much money all year round, we have enough food to grow vegetables on our own land, and we can also raise a few chickens, ducks and geese for the supply and marketing cooperative. Make a contribution, as long as it’s not winter, the mountains and plains are covered with gray vegetables.”

Father Lu and Brother Guan Cheng looked at Wang Xiangmei's behavior with cold eyes, feeling that it would definitely not work if it continued like this. Guan Cheng took a step forward and said to Wang Zhengguo and Father Lu: "Uncle, Grandpa Lu, I will take Ayu and leave right now. ”

"What did you say?" Wang Zhengguo frowned.

Upon hearing that Guan Cheng said that he was taking Guan Yu away, the onlookers who were admiring Wang Xiangmei's behavior were stunned and fell into silence.

Although Wang Xiangmei was crying and fussing, her ears perked up and the crying stopped abruptly.

Wang Fengqiao became anxious and hurriedly pulled Guan Cheng's arm, "What nonsense are you talking about, silly boy? The people who should leave are the people who came to make trouble in our brigade. Why are you leaving? You are from our Wanglou brigade!"

"Yes, Guancheng, if you leave, where can you go?" Jiang He and Zhang Erya couldn't help but run out of the crowd.

As orphans who wandered together, their relationship was deeper than ordinary people. Zhang Erya, who usually has a fierce personality, suddenly had red eyes, "This is really unreasonable. We live a down-to-earth life, why can some people not understand it?" We were all homeless orphans, but after we managed to survive and grow up, someone immediately came to make trouble and made it difficult for us.”

She and Jiang He both know Guancheng's origins. Guancheng does not recognize Wang Xiangmei, so naturally they will not prove that Wang Xiangmei's words are true.

Guan Cheng smiled at Erya, "While winter is not busy, you and Jiang He should get married as soon as possible. Don't wait until one day in the future, someone pretending to be your parents comes to your door and wants to marry you to someone unscrupulous. , or let you support them in their old age.”

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