Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1163: Never suffer future troubles 7

After hearing this, Zhang Erya burst into tears.

The onlookers were also very sad. Guancheng's words were like a knife, piercing people's hearts.

"Brother, brother, please say something!" Wang Fengqiao turned to Wang Zhengguo and said, "Who is provoking whom in Guancheng and Guanyu? Some people want them to have no place in our brigade! "

Wang Zhengguo said to Guan Cheng: "Why did you leave with Guan Yu? You settled in Wanglou Brigade as street children. You are members of Wanglou Brigade. This is your home. Don't say that you really don't remember the past. So what if you are really her son as Wang Xiangmei said? You were raised by our Wang Lou Brigade, and no one else has the right to control your life!"

Guan Cheng had tears in his eyes, "If we don't leave, the things in front of us will never end and make people upset! Even if the matter is resolved today, they can still find our brigade to continue making trouble tomorrow, which is very likely The trouble at my aunt's house has made everyone uneasy! The only solution is for us to leave. Doesn't she just think that we have nothing to gain, and they see that they have everything? If not, it might stop.”

Wang Xiangmei suddenly jumped up, pointed at his nose and said: "You little bastard, you are indeed broken from the root. Like father, like son. You don't want to raise us, right? So you don't recognize it." My mother!"

Repay the favor, okay, repay it when you have the chance, raise half-siblings? no way!

This is the truest thought in Guan Cheng's heart. Just as he said at Wang Fengqiao's house, even if he still feels grudges, he will not recognize this mother, because once he does, there will be endless troubles.

"Mom, I'm hungry and I'm cold!" said a little girl following Wang Xiangmei.

Wang Xiangmei said angrily: "Your brother is unwilling to support us. What can I do if you are hungry and cold?"

"Brother, I'm so hungry. Can you give me something to eat?" The little girl, about five or six years old, reached out to grab Guancheng's sleeves. She looked pitiful and skinny, "It's getting dark, you Can we stay here first? I'm so cold. I really want to eat a bowl of hot noodles and then lie down in bed."

"Don't call me brother, I'm not your brother!" Guan Cheng took a big step to the side, pulling Guan Yu to bow deeply to everyone, "We all remember everyone's kindness to us, and now this In this situation, we can’t leave.”

The old Wang was furious, "Zheng Guo, speak up quickly. Whatever you say, the boys will do what they do!"

The old man is tired of all the fuss.

"Drive them away!"

"Yes, get rid of them. The whole family is not from our Wanglou Brigade. Why should Guancheng and Guanyu support them as a matter of course? Even God would not dare to say so."

"Everyone depends on their labor for a living, but they still want to occupy the magpie's nest? They are so beautiful!"

The one with a more impatient temper said directly: "Uncle Zhengguo, why are you talking nonsense to such a person? She should be beaten to death with a stick, tit for tat, wasting time with foaming at the mouth!"

Following the public opinion, Wang Zhengguo finally spoke, "Kick them out of the Wanglou Brigade! City people have the rules of city people, and country people have the rules of country people. In daily life, you don't offend the river. You eat commercial food." Are you coming to the countryside to get food from us? This is absolutely disgusting!"

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