Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1164: Never suffer future troubles 8

Several young boys cheered, and immediately stepped forward to expel Wang Xiangmei, "Get out of here, get out of here, don't dirty the land of our Wanglou brigade, seriously, don't urinate to see your own virtue!"

Wang Xiangmei's heart skipped a beat, her chest straightened out, and she said sternly: "Who dares to touch me? I will sue anyone who touches me for being a hooligan!"

One of Baiyong Bailing's strategies failed here.

Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud, "Playing like a hooligan? I don't think you look like that. What is there about a vulgar and shameless old lady that deserves everyone to act like a hooligan? There are so many of us, and everyone can prove what is going on today." !”

Wang Xiangmei was so angry that she pointed at the door of the office and said, "How dare you try to chase me away? I'll hit my head and die here, making it impossible for any of you to get away from it!"

Upon hearing this, the person who was about to step forward paused.

When Wang Xiangmei saw this, she felt very proud, "Come on, come on, don't you want to chase me away? Come on!"

Wang Zhengguo took a step forward and rolled up his sleeves, "Do you think you can threaten me? Guancheng, come here, let us drive them away together, drive them all away. If she is killed head-on, I, Wang Zhengguo, will take the blame! I will." Let’s see if the government will sentence me to death if a person with unknown origins makes trouble in our brigade and only wants to get something for nothing.”

"Why do you want Guan Cheng to come forward? You still think Guan Cheng is not in enough trouble?"

After Miao Fengqin finished speaking, Wang Fengqiao rolled up her sleeves and held Wang Xiangmei's arm with one hand. The two sisters were strong and strong. They lifted Wang Xiangmei like a chicken, and carried Wang Lou Brigade out of the Wanglou Brigade in one go. Throw it on.

The children brought by Wang Xiangmei were no more than ten years old at most. They were carried over by everyone and thrown to Wang Xiangmei's side.

"Get out! Get away! You should have done this a long time ago!" Wang Chenglong spat at Xingzi, "It's a waste of my spit, and I have to go home to drink water."

Wang Xiangmei has been domineering and domineering for more than ten years after remarrying, and she has long been accustomed to others being unable to do anything to her.

Now being thrown out of the Wanglou Brigade was beyond her expectation. When Miao Fengqin and her sister-in-law came out, she yelled and made a fuss. Unexpectedly, the two sisters-in-law did not pick her up at all. topic!

Sitting on the snow, it was cold under my butt.

Wang Xiangmei jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the village entrance of Wanglou Brigade, with a posture of never giving up until she achieved her goal!

Miao Fengqin and Wang Fengqiao turned around and stopped her.

Isn’t it easy for two people to stop one person? The remaining little ones are not worth mentioning at all.

Miao Fengqin immediately asked Wang Chenglong to run back and call Wang Zhengguo and a few capable men. This Wang Xiangmei was really a piece of candy. Fortunately, Guancheng didn't recognize her. She can't get rid of her now, let alone after he recognized her?

Wang Zhengguo and others rushed over quickly and took him directly to the commune.

It seems that if they don't do this, they will really sneak back to Wanglou Brigade. If they fireproof every household in Wanglou Brigade, it will be over. Eighty percent of Wanglou Brigade is a thatched house, with firewood stacks at the door.

Secretary Zheng and Chen Xingguo had eaten and drank and were about to go to bed when they were called to the commune office.

"Ouch, why is it your brigade again? It's so late, what happened?" Secretary Zheng rubbed his eyes and looked at the large group of people who appeared in the commune and a middle-aged woman sitting on the ground shouting.

Wang Zhengguo explained the cause and effect in detail, and Chen Xingguo couldn't help but widen his eyes.

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