"I have never been to Shanghai. I don't know what the situation is, and I don't know who else is there." Guan Cheng answered truthfully, "Whenever I have time, I will go there. Although I have no relationship with them, after all, they belong to my maternal grandparents. As long as we are not like her, we can get along well. Apart from you, Ayu and I have no other relatives. It would be nice to have another relative. "

He paused and continued: "I heard my aunt accidentally mention that my grandfather's family had an aunt who joined the army as a young man and married a general in the army during the Anti-Japanese War. I don't know if she is still alive or if she was affected by my grandfather's family background. "

"What's your aunt's name?" Feng Qingxue asked.

If you are in the military and have some status, it would be easy to inquire.

Guancheng thought for a while and replied: "It seems that her name is Wang Xiangxue. Xiangxue from Xiangxuehai is seven years older than her. I don't know if her name has been changed. I heard that name changes were common during the Anti-Japanese War."

"Hey, bring the word snow. I'll find someone to ask about it later." As soon as she heard this word, Feng Qingxue felt cordial.

"Auntie, take good care of yourself first, don't worry about these things, just let it go!" Guan Cheng thought openly and looked down at the little brother who was humming, "This brother also needs to take good care of himself, he is a lot thinner than the other two. What's his name?"

Feng Qingxue held her youngest son in her arms, "My eldest name is Lu Tianxiu, and my nickname is Zhuangzhuang."

This was decided after she and Lu Jiang discussed it together, and it was also chosen from the nicknames given by the elderly.

Their common wish is that their little son will eat well and be healthy and strong.

Guan Yu came closer and looked at the third and fourth children who were sleeping soundly. "Where are these two identical brothers? I can't tell which one is the third brother and which one is the fourth brother. Auntie, which one is Lu Tianwei? Which one is Lu Tianwei? Is it Lu Tianying? What’s your nickname?”

"The one with a red string on his left wrist is the third child, his name is Lu Tianwei, his nickname is Dundun, honest and honest Dun. The one with a red string on his right wrist is the fourth child, his nickname is Lu Tianying, and his nickname is Xiong Xiong." Feng Qing Xue had a premonition that the fourth child, who was so difficult to deal with now, would definitely be a naughty boy when he grew up, so he changed the mighty and majestic Xiong into a bear.

Lu Tianzhi grinned, "Lu Tianjun, Lu Tianzhi, Lu Tianmao, Lu Tianhui, Lu Tianwei, Lu Tianying and Lu Tianxiu."

"My name is Lu Tianhui!" Fubao said happily.

"Yes, our lucky treasure is called Lu Tianhui." Lu Tianzhi found a wooden carriage from the baggage. It was obviously made of small-leaf red sandalwood. The carving was fine and as bright as lacquer. There were four lifelike horses in the front and a carriage behind it. The exquisite and clear carriage is about the length of an adult man's palm. It looks very nice when placed on the Kang table. "Brother Acheng bought it on the black market. The carriage is hollow. I thought Fu Bao would like it, so I brought it to me." "

Fu Bao's eyes widened, "Wow, what a beautiful horse! Thank you, brother!"

Xibao squealed unhappily and jumped around Guancheng, "Brother Acheng, I want it too!"

"You are the elder brother. Can you give the pony carriage to your sister?" Out of fairness, Guan Cheng also chose something from what he bought and brought it to him. It was a set of nine-link rings, but it was made of white jade. The quality of the jade is not very good, but the color is pure white. It looks like it is made from Hetian jade. "When you go to bed at night, I will teach you how to solve the Nine Links."

"More fun than a carriage!" Xibao was very discerning and cheered before pulling him to bed.

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