This house has three bedrooms and one living room, and they are separated. Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue lived with their triplets in the east room, and built a smaller kang for Xibao and Fubao on the south wall. After all, it was not I can't bear to let them live alone in a room.

The two bedrooms on the west side were empty. Before learning that Guan Cheng and others were visiting relatives, Feng Qingxue asked Tian Ling to clean up one of them.

At this time, the bedding was complete, the stove was lit, and it was as warm as spring.

The kang was very big, and Xibao and Fubao were not willing to sleep on their own small kang, so the five brothers and sisters slept on the same kang, which made Xibao and Fubao very happy. Since the birth of their third brother and younger brother, they had no one to accompany them for a long time. They slept together.

Across the room, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue heard the excitement of their children.

Among them, Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu yelled about the light bulb.

"It's been a long time since I've seen them so happy." Feng Qingxue sighed, feeling that she was not doing a good job as a mother. Recently, she had been patronizing the younger ones and neglected Xibao and Fubao. She felt very guilty.

Lu Jiang tucked her in and said, "You have worked so hard and you have done a good job. Don't blame yourself all the time."

"Yeah." Feng Qingxue yawned. When Sanbao fell asleep, she had to sleep too, otherwise it would be difficult to ensure adequate sleep.

Lu Jiang got up very early and stewed half a chicken before leaving. Without waiting for Tian Ling's arrival, Guancheng, who was always used to getting up early, took over the follow-up work, stewing soup and making porridge and pancakes.

When Tian Ling saw them eating, she couldn't help but sigh: "Everything has been taken care of by Guancheng. I'm too relaxed."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be better to relax a little? Has Sister Tian eaten? If not, eat some here."

"I've eaten, you can eat." Tian Ling gets up very early every day, heats up the leftovers from the night before, and rushes over to cook after eating, without wasting any time. She doesn't need to cook by herself now. I washed all the diapers I changed last night.

While wiping diapers in the yard, Bai Xue opened the door and came in.

"Is Qingxue up?" Bai Xue asked casually. She knew it without asking, because she heard the child's cry.

Tian Ling quickly put down the diaper in the basin, washed her hands and rushed into the house.

Bai Xue followed in and saw her and a young man holding a child each. The one in her arms cried the loudest, making the one in Feng Qingxue's arms also whimper.

Three cries came and went.

"Why are you crying? Are you hungry?" Bai Xue put the basket he carried at the end of the kang and came close to Feng Qingxue.

Every time she heard the three children crying, Feng Qingxue's head would explode and she would have no time to talk to Bai Xue.

"Tianzhi, give Xiongxiong a hug and let Mrs. Tian make milk powder."

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Lu Tianzhi, who was waiting for help, quickly stepped forward to take over Xiong Xiong. Tian Ling finally had her hands free and prepared two bottles of milk powder. Dundun stopped crying immediately after drinking the milk powder, while Xiong Xiong still had to cry for a while. Expressing his grievance, he took the pacifier in his mouth and drank heavily, much faster than his brother.

Feng Qingxue turned her back to feed her little son. The little boy held his own rations in humiliation and ate slowly for a long time. Then he switched to the other side and ate for another long time. Dundun and Xiongxiong had already eaten. A full drink and a round of diaper changes.

Bai Xue hugged Xiong Xiong, "Bear Xiong, little bear, come on, smile."

How can a child over one month old have any consciousness? The toothless smile appeared unconsciously, which made Bai Xue extremely happy.

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