Yang's mother suddenly became anxious, "Hurry up and prescribe medicine for her, and take care of her first!"

She couldn't help complaining about her daughter: "I've told you a hundred times a long time ago that girls shouldn't be greedy for cool things, but you just like to eat cold things. Now you know you regret it, right? Fortunately, Shang Kun is good to you, even if you have been married for so many years and there is no news, he has not said a word. "

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "Auntie, don't worry so much. Comrade Shang Kun has a very good character and is responsible. You don't have to worry about your children, and don't blame Sister Yang. The matter is over, what we should do is Condition your body.”

There are many people in the army who have been married for several years and have no children. How many of them are anxious?

Many soldiers know in their hearts that their physical condition may not be as good as it seems when they are fighting in the north and south. There are too many comrades who have lost their fertility to remember. Those have been determined by doctors, and there are still others that have not been determined. !

Yang Fengying was also very calm, "Mom, what are you worried about? I mentioned the problem of children to Shang Kun. He said many times that things about children are left to chance, and you will be happy if you have them. If not, you will adopt two children in the future, like There are countless children like Guanzi, but they will still be taken care of by us until they die!"

"Nonsense! Isn't it a little too early for you to say this?" Mother Yang was very unhappy. "First ask Qingxue to prescribe a prescription and take care of it. Adopt the child and wait until there is no other way."

"Okay, okay." Yang Fengying nodded.

Feng Qingxue felt that she could become a famous gynecologist. As soon as Yang Mu and Yang Fengying walked away with the prescription, Fang Ning came back and stretched out her hand in front of Feng Qingxue, "Let me see what's going on."

Yes, he is also a person who is stimulated by Bai Xue's pregnancy.

Feng Qingxue concluded that there was nothing wrong.

"There's nothing wrong?" Fang Ning pointed to her nose. There was nothing wrong with her. How could she not be pregnant? After she was transferred to the border guard force, she and Qiao Desheng rarely lived apart. She was always worried about having no children.

Feng Qingxue whispered: "Fertility issues have always been divided equally between men and women."

Fang Ning understood, "Okay, I understand, that's it, don't say anything outside."

Feng Qingxue stretched out her hand to make a seal, "Don't worry, I will definitely not fail to abide by the rules."

Seeing her look, Fang Ning smiled, stood up and said, "You, take good care of yourself, your complexion is as bad as if you haven't had enough to eat for many years, if you need anything, just ask and we will try our best to help you. "

Feng Qingxue touched her face and said, "I think I'm doing fine recently. I'm not as haggard as I was during confinement."

"How can you not be as white and rosy as before? You really suffered a lot this time." Fang Ning saw it all and glanced at the triplets sleeping in rows on the kang, "The triplets are so hard-won! "

Feng Qingxue followed her gaze and said, "I gave birth for the last time, and I no longer have to suffer the pain of pregnancy for ten months and the pain of childbirth."

Fang Ning couldn't help but laugh and said, "Is this decided by people? Don't talk too much. You might get pregnant again one day and give birth to a younger brother or younger sister for the triplets."

"I am destined to have four sons, one daughter and five children!" Feng Qingxue said proudly.

Fang Ning almost laughed loudly, but she was afraid of waking up the child so she stopped talking and tapped Feng Qingxue's forehead, "While the child is asleep, you can have a good rest and don't tell anyone the reason why I came to see you!" "

"Don't worry! Don't worry!"

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