Feng Qingxue waited until Fang Ning left before she remembered that she had forgotten to ask about her parents-in-law. She didn't know if she knew about Qiao Desheng's family background after marrying Qiao Desheng. She should know, right?

Qiao Desheng concealed it from the outside world, could he also hide it from the inside?

"What are you thinking about if you don't have a good rest?" Lu Jiang came back after washing diapers and saw his wife looking thoughtful, and couldn't help but said: "I have told you many times, when the child sleeps, you should sleep with him to avoid lack of sleep. "

Feng Qingxue waved to him, and when he arrived, she asked, "Do you know Qiao Desheng's family background?"

"Family background? What family background?" Lu Jiang was confused.

Just in time to catch a glimpse of Guan Cheng coming in with Fu Bao taking a nap, Feng Qingxue yawned and said, "Let Acheng tell you, I'm asleep."

Turn over and lie down, nothing will matter.

Lu Jiang had no choice but to put his daughter on the small kang and cover her with a quilt, and then asked Guancheng.

Guan Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "At present, I am not sure whether Comrade Wang Xuehai from Zhou's hometown is my aunt Wang Xiangxue. After all, I have never met her, and I don't know the specific situation. It's just that the name and place of origin are the same."

"Is it related to Qiao Desheng?" Lu Jiang asked.

Guan Cheng told him the whole story in a low voice, and he suddenly realized, "No wonder Qiao Desheng was so worried when the triplets were born. When I asked him, he said he was fine. Since Fang Ning was transferred here, he has never taken a vacation. Except for tasks, he has never taken a vacation. I have been out of the army, and for the first time this year I am going to take a family leave, at the end of this month.”

After saying this, he couldn't help but look at Guancheng, "I didn't expect your grandfather's family to have such a background!"

Guan Cheng said helplessly: "So what if it has a big background? When the moon waxes, it overflows. Now, both the Wang family and the Guan family have disappeared into the past, and only we are left to live in an ignoble existence. If she hadn't suddenly come to the door, vulgar and vicious Even I doubt how someone like her could get together with my father, my aunt would never mention the Wang family at all."

Lu Jiang patted him on the shoulder, "You are still young. When you are young, you can afford to wait. One day you will get what you want."

"Will there be such a day? To rehabilitate the Guan family, my brother and I can live uprightly as descendants of the Guan family." Guan Cheng asked, "Will there be such a day, uncle? Will there be such a day? Wait, how long do we need to wait? ?”

"Yes!" Lu Jiangke saw a lot of information from Feng Qingxue, "In ten years, you are only thirty years old."

Although this vigorous campaign will end after eight years, it will take a certain amount of time to deal with the aftermath. The information clearly states that most people were rehabilitated around 1978 to 1980, with the majority being the latter.

A smile appeared on Guan Cheng's face, "I hope uncle's words can come true."

"You kid!" Lu Jiang knew that he still didn't believe it. After all, it has been nineteen years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and people with poor backgrounds have always had a difficult life. "Do you want to see Qiao Desheng?"

Guan Cheng thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It's gone!"

"Why? Their family is in great prosperity, but I understand that you are missing because you are afraid that others will say that you are following the trend. But now their family is in trouble, and the situation of his parents is unknown. Why don't you go and find out?"

Guancheng was very hesitant after hearing this.

Feng Qingxue didn't fall asleep, so she turned over and said: "Go, Ah Jiang, take Acheng to find Qiao Desheng, and by the way ask if his mother is Acheng's aunt. Regardless of whether she is, you have to ask Qiao Desheng if he needs anything. Where we help!”

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