The little nurse was very angry, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

She was young, only in her twenties. Although she was not clumsy with her tongue, she was really not good at quarreling with others. She immediately gave the old woman a chance to speak, "Am I talking nonsense? Do you think I am talking nonsense? You go out to visit and ask questions. I asked, have I, Niu Jinhua, ever told a lie in my life? It’s you who didn’t treat my grandson well, and made me watch my grandson die. You spent all your energy on treating the children of the military commander’s family. , my grandson’s death is your responsibility!”

Feng Qingxue hurriedly took over her youngest son, and while patting her gently, she said to Lu Jiang: "Throw her out and listen to her talk nonsense? By the way, whose mother is this? Tell him to take her back!"

Zhuangzhuang has not recovered yet, and she is in a very bad mood now.

If it weren't for the fact that she hadn't been able to eat well or sleep well recently, and she didn't have enough energy, she would have done it herself.

This Niu Jinhua is not very discerning either. I don't know if she is too smart or too stupid. She knows that Li Lujiang is of high rank but still dares to make trouble unreasonably. Aren't she afraid of causing trouble for her son?

Lu Jiang lifted Niu Jinhua up and pushed him out without fear of any repercussions, followed him out, and closed the door behind his back.

Niu Jinhua was in her fifties or sixties. She was small and thin, but Lu Jiang, who was tall and tall, carried her as if she were a chicken. The little nurse who came out with him almost couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Comrade Army Commander, it was our fault that we failed to stop her."

The little nurse was also very aggrieved. The child was not saved, and they were all very sad. Faced with this situation, even the most insensitive person would feel sad, but this was not the reason for Niu Jinhua to cause trouble!

Among the adults and children sent to the hospital, no matter men, women, old or young, which one of them did not treat them attentively?

However, they were powerless against the Lord of Hell.

Doctor Zhang got the news and rushed over, furious, "Comrade Niu Jinhua, what are you doing?"

Niu Jinhua sat down on the ground again and cried loudly: "We are all human beings, why should we be divided? My grandson has to live in a ward with several other people's children, but they can live in a separate room? Why? Why did you only save their son but put my grandson to death? He was the only one in our family! My son and daughter-in-law had been married for more than ten years and they had a hard time giving birth to a son. So you put him to death like this? ! What are you asking me for? I want justice! Give me your grandson’s life!”

As Niu Jinhua made a fuss, more and more people were watching, pointing, some shaking their heads, some nodding, with expressions of compassion and enlightenment on their faces. Everyone's expression was different.

Wang Sanbao separated from the crowd and walked over. He frowned and said sternly: "This is a hospital. The adults and children are resting. It's not a stage. What kind of big show are you singing? If you want to sing, fine, call the few soldiers on duty outside. , take her to the high platform outside, let her cry and sing, and see who is embarrassed in the end!"

"There is no justice!" Niu Jinhua's voice was very long, and she kept repeating this sentence, as if what she said was the justice of heaven, "You will kill my grandson and you won't allow me to ask for justice! You won't let me cry, and you won't even say anything. Let me tell you, I will only try to please some military commander and risk my life to save their children, but not my grandson!"

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