Noticing the change in some people's eyes, Doctor Zhang suddenly became anxious, "Do you have any sense of justice in what you say? Who do you think won't save your grandson? How did your grandson get to the hospital? Don't you have any idea? The hospital is right here. You can’t run away. Each division has a corresponding medical department, and there is also a department of gynecology, internal medicine, and pediatric surgery. You asked your daughter-in-law to give birth to the baby at home. The baby was choked in the womb and almost died from lack of oxygen. Didn’t we save the lungs? Infection, didn’t we try our best to save it?”

"That's it, do you mean what you say? Family members of the military come here to see a doctor, get medicine and give birth to a baby for free. They are treated the same as soldiers. If you don't come to the hospital to give birth, you have to deliver the baby at home. Are you a doctor? Are you a midwife? Improper delivery caused the child to become ill, you are right! Don’t we want to save the child? Who stayed up all night last night? It is our duty as doctors, and we will never differ in attitude based on our position. , you said that the baby of the Army Chief lives in a separate ward, yes, so what, why is your son not as high in rank as the Army Chief? You should also go out and visit and ask if the hospital treatment for cadres and soldiers is the same. Same! If you use this matter to say that we are not good to you, where is your conscience?"

The little nurse didn't know where she got the courage to come forward, and she didn't know how she suddenly became smart. Her mouth was like a machine gun, "You said we saved the Army Chief's baby but not your grandson. Where is the evidence?" The baby of the Army Chief has been hospitalized a few days ago. After everyone's efforts, the baby is finally out of danger. We don't need to worry too much. You sent the children here yesterday. We will only care about them and not treat your grandson. Is that okay? Don’t the people in the same ward as you know about medical treatment?”

A middle-aged woman immediately said: "I can testify! All our children have bad lungs, and a lot of them have been infected this year. My son also has a lung infection, and he lives in the same house with them. Dr. Zhang and Dr. Wang Dr. Guo came and went a lot, even at night, when the baby of the Army Chief's family was in the worst condition."

Her son is older, he is nine years old this year, and he is easier to take medication. The anti-inflammatory drugs used by adults are reduced in dosage and given to him directly, so he is almost better. He can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. It is really difficult to treat young babies. , neither light nor heavy.

They all said privately that Zhuang Zhuang survived thanks to his mother who was proficient in medical skills and took good care of him.

The night Feng Qingxue held the child, everyone in the adjacent ward knew that, some even suspected that Feng Qingxue secretly treated her son, otherwise he would not have been able to survive so easily at such a young age and with such a weak constitution. .

Wang Sanbao said directly: "What are you talking about with her? It's a waste of time!"

After hearing these words, Doctor Zhang gradually calmed down and said, "Niu Jinhua, don't you want justice? Come on, let's go to the cadres in charge of this area of ​​the army and argue about right and wrong! We all Doctors and nurses work conscientiously and there is no need to bear such vicious and misleading accusations!”

Just when everyone thought Niu Jinhua was following him confidently, Niu Jinhua actually got up and ran away, slapping her butt, leaving behind a large group of stunned onlookers. What was the point of making this scene?

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