Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1202 Applying for Retirement 3

Lu Jiang's family first welcomed the birth of triplets, which made countless people envious. Then the younger son's life was hanging by a thread, which made the whole family anxious. No one in the entire army knew about it. Chen Lancheng also visited Zhuang Zhuang with his comrades. After Zhuang got better, he naturally became aware of the situation of Feng Qingxue and Zhuang Zhuang. The mother and son looked sick, and they were indeed very pitiful.

"Let's do this, Comrade Lu Jiang." Chen Lancheng pondered for a moment, "Let our department discuss it and give you a reply in a few days. You also know that this application cannot be approved at once."

Lu Jiang knew clearly, "Then we will trouble Comrade Chen Lancheng and all other comrades."

The approval did not come through, but Qiao Desheng came back.

When Qiao Desheng came back, he learned these two pieces of news and was almost stunned.

Zhuang Zhuang was once so angry, and Feng Qingxue is now applying for discharge from the army, neither of which is a trivial matter.

Fang Ning sighed and opened Qiao Desheng's luggage bag to sort it out. When she found that the bag was empty, she knew that he had left all his bedding and clothes with his parents-in-law, so he didn't pay much attention to it. It was originally prepared for his two elders, so he treated him Said: "Not two days after you left, Zhuangzhuang fell ill. He fell ill very suddenly. He went to the hospital in the early morning. Fortunately, Qingxue discovered it early and took good care of him. He finally saved his life. Qingxue retired from the army. , I’m not surprised at all, her love for her children is so deep.”

Qiao Desheng hummed, "Then I have to go visit my sister-in-law Qingxue and Zhuangzhuang. I was not at home before, which was excused, but now that I'm back, I have to go."

"Of course, let's go together."

Lu Jiang was very happy to see Qiao Desheng and Fang Ning. "When did you come back? I didn't even notice."

He was asking about Qiao Desheng, and the answer was naturally Qiao Desheng, who handed over the two cans of malted milk essence he bought, "I just got home and heard that my sister-in-law and Zhuang Zhuang are sick. Let me take a look. Are you feeling better now?"

"As long as someone comes, what can you give me? Comrade Fang Ning helped us a lot when we were in the hospital."

Qiao Desheng glanced at his wife and said with a smile: "It is necessary to help. Besides, there is no way to visit a patient with nothing."

Fang Ning said directly: "You guys chat, I'll go to the bedroom to see Qingxue and the child."

"Okay, Qingxue just woke up and is reading a book." Lu Jiang said.

As soon as Fang Ning entered, she saw Feng Qingxue leaning on a stack of folded quilts and reading a book. The triplets were lying side by side inside, and the four mothers were covered with a quilt. Xibao was practicing calligraphy at the desk, but Fubao was Walking around on the ground.

A clicking sound came from Fubao. Fang Ning took a closer look and smiled immediately.

The little girl was admiring Feng Qingxue's leather shoes and kept saying, "Mom, do I look good? Fu Bao is the best, right?"

"Yes!" Feng Qingxue replied distractedly.

Xibao rolled his eyes and muttered while writing: "Mom, I want to play too."

Although Feng Qingxue felt that her son lacked freedom, she still felt cruel and said: "You can play with it after you finish practicing the calligraphy. You promised grandpa in your letter that you should practice three large characters every day and take them home to him later. Grandpa checks. If a man has no faith, he will not stand. A gentleman's words are worth a thousand dollars, and a gentleman's words are hard to keep. "

"I'm not a gentleman, I'm Xibao!" Xibao's big eyes rolled around, but he wrote very steadily, finishing in one go.

Fang Ning leaned over to take a look, and was stunned. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xibao's calligraphy is so beautiful! Qingxue, how did you teach them? He can write so neatly at such a young age, and it's in calligraphy. He You’re only seven years old!”

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