Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1203 Applying for Retirement 4

Xibao put down the last stroke and put down the brush.

"Mom, I've finished writing, can you do somersaults?" Xibao's heart had already flown out.

Feng Qingxue had been ill recently. She always felt that she had no strength. She knew that she was really injured and was too lazy to move, so she said to her eldest son: "Mom is not feeling well. Can you bring your handwriting over and let mom check it?"

Xibao thought for a moment and said, "I didn't do it."

It means that the ink is dripping and has not dried thoroughly, so it will become smudged when picked up.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Mom, can you please wait for a while before we go out to play? Wait for the writing to be dry and take it to mom for inspection. After the inspection, I will put it away for you and send it back to grandpa."

"Okay, who calls me a good baby!" Xibao praised himself to the sky.

Fang Ning couldn't help but laugh when she saw Xibao wait for the ink to dry and then give three pieces of paper to Feng Qingxue. Feng Qingxue did not forget to comment on his calligraphy while inspecting it, extolling the advantages and criticizing the shortcomings. His head suddenly drooped, "Are you two words wrong? You can't show it to grandpa. Can I write it down after I've had enough fun?"

"Okay, you can rewrite it tomorrow. Mom is not in a hurry."

Xibao cheered, "Mom, you are so good, I like you the most!"

Baji Baji kissed Feng Qingxue, said hello to Fang Ning, and jumped off the kang neatly to find Lu Jiang, who was currently asking the Guancheng brothers and others if they had successfully boarded the car.

"How could I dare to come back if I don't put them in the car?" Qiao Desheng said with a smile, and then said: "Two days after arriving in northern Shaanxi, after visiting my parents, I put them in the car and left. I was worried that there were too many of us. Attract attention. Counting the time, they should be home long ago. "

"How are the conditions of Comrade Zhou and Comrade Wang Xuehai?" Lu Jiang expressed concern.

When mentioning this matter, Qiao Desheng sighed, "I can't say it's good, I can't say it's bad. I live in a cave dwelling, the conditions are difficult, and I have to work, but it's all my dad who does it. No matter how the people who supervise them criticize and struggle, my dad just treats me I took the job on myself. I lived near the farm for a while and found out something. The person in charge of the farm wanted to buy a pair of gold bracelets. Someone reminded me to give him two gold bracelets and maybe I could. My parents’ treatment will be better.”

Lu Jiang was stunned, "What's the secret?"

Qiao Desheng whispered: "It is said that the person in charge is a filial son. He has been dependent on his grandmother since he was a child. His grandmother is now so confused that she doesn't recognize anyone. She talks about the pair of red gold dragon and phoenix bracelets given by her husband's family when they got married every day. The person in charge just wants to satisfy him. Grandma’s wish, but gold and silver have been confiscated by the state, so it’s hard to buy privately. With Guancheng’s advice, I visited several black markets and flea markets. Jewelry, jade, and the like were rare, but there was no gold. . In the past, not to mention a pair of red gold dragon and phoenix bracelets, you could find ten or eight pairs. My mother had dozens of them in her trousseau, and they were all used to support national construction. "

Lu Jiang thought for a while, "I'll go back and ask Qingxue if she has any in her hand. If so, I'll find them for you. If I can really exchange this pair of bracelets for the safety of your father's palace, it's definitely worth the money! That person in charge Can you trust that the bracelet will not be discovered on the way and cause some trouble? "

"It's all unclogged. You can trust it. Don't worry. The gold bracelet is just the icing on the cake."

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