Tian Ling also had a little thought, just to enjoy the happiness of a group of children.

After hearing the good news about Bai Xue's pregnancy, Tian Ling, who had been infertile for many years after her child died, suddenly felt hopeful.

She originally wanted to ask Feng Qingxue to take her pulse, check what the problem was, and see if she could get pregnant with a baby. At that time, Zhuang Zhuang was hospitalized, and then Feng Qingxue fell ill again, so she didn't mention it.

Whether it's a boy or a girl, she will be treated like a baby after birth.

Of course she could find someone else. There were gynecologists in the army, such as Wang Sanbao and Guo Xiuying, who were both easy to talk to. But she was afraid that people would laugh at her if they found out. After all, she was already forty years old.

Now Zhuangzhuang's condition is getting better day by day, and Feng Qingxue's spirit is gradually recovering. When he comes back, he will ask her to take his pulse.

With this idea in mind, Tian Ling took the birth certificates of the triplets, walked briskly to the service center, and said cheerfully to the soldier selling things: "Comrade Liu, is there any milk powder today? There should be, right? This year There are quite a few newborns. Bring me three... no, four bags of milk powder, two of which must be from Feihe."

Dundun is very easy to take care of, mainly the little ancestor Xiong Xiong, who will not drink unless he is Feihe.

Among the triplets, Dundun is always the most worry-free, and Zhuangzhuang is always the most worrying. Xiongxiong, who is in the middle, is probably afraid that everyone will ignore him, so he becomes the most difficult baby to take care of.

These were Feng Qingxue's exact words. When she heard her mother speak, Xiong Xiong was lying on the kang drooling.

Xiao Liu didn't even glance at the birth certificate. He took out four bags of Feihe milk powder and said with a smile: "Only Feihe. I know that my sister-in-law bought it for Comrade Army Chief's family, so I don't need to bring a birth certificate in the future."

"That won't work. This is the rule. If you bring it with you, you can buy it first." When there is a shortage of milk powder, the birth certificate is useful.

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law is right!" Xiao Liu nodded quickly, collected thirteen yuan and gave the change. Just as he was about to say something, when he saw Lu Zhaodi coming in, he suddenly changed his words and greeted: "Sister-in-law Jin Are you here to buy milk powder for Laidi?"

If I remember correctly, Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi's third daughter, Jin Laidi, was five or six days younger than the triplets and was about to drink milk.

Jin Hong would come to buy milk powder when his salary was paid at the beginning of every month, so when Xiao Liu saw Lu Zhaodi, he took it for granted that she also came to buy milk powder. Counting the days, he should have finished the two bags of milk powder he bought last month. , and it must not be enough to drink.

According to the rules, Jin Hong should have arrived at the beginning of the month, but Xiao Liu didn't see him. It was already mid-April.

Although Xiao Liu doesn't know how much milk powder a child needs to drink every month, he can tell by looking at the frequency and quantity of milk powder Tian Ling comes to buy. Last month, he bought a total of twelve bags of milk powder. Today is the second time this month. It was four bags. Everyone knew that Zhuangzhuang didn't drink milk powder, so Tian Ling must have bought enough for two people.

Lu Zhaodi, who was furious when she saw Tian Ling, heard what Xiao Liu said and said angrily: "Do you see the way I buy milk powder? Who told me that I have no ability? All the people I give birth to are losers, and losers drink it." What milk powder! Give me a pound of soy sauce!”

She placed the soy sauce bottle on the counter with a loud clang.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Sister-in-law Jin, it was my fault!" Xiao Liu immediately admitted his mistake, quickly lifted up the soy sauce basket hanging on the edge of the soy sauce bucket, scooped a full basket of soy sauce and poured it into the soy sauce bottle brought by Lu Zhaodi. "Eight cents."

Lu Zhaodi picked up the soy sauce bottle, turned around and left.

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