Xiao Liu hurriedly chased her out, "Sister-in-law Jin, Sister-in-law Jin, you haven't given me the money yet, eight cents!"

"I owe it now, and I'll pay it back in two days!" Lu Zhaodi didn't even look back, her feet were very fast, and she disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Liu's face suddenly fell, and he returned to the counter listlessly.

"Sister-in-law, do you want to buy anything else? Sister-in-law, look it up for yourself, I'll keep the account first." Xiao Liu neatly wrote eight cents behind the word "Jin Hong" on the account book, and marked the date with two words of soy sauce. After putting away the account book, he asked Tian Ling again. He bought milk powder and did not leave. He must have wanted to buy other things.

Tian Ling asked: "Does Lu Zhaodi often get credit? I clearly remember that state-owned stores do not allow credit."

Buy with a ticket, buy with money, pay the money and the ticket, and the salesperson will get you something. If Xiao Liu didn't feel that he had angered Lu Zhaodi and hurriedly gave her soy sauce to appease her anger, this process would have followed.

Xiao Liu sighed, "I'm used to Sister-in-law Jin's behavior."

"This cannot be tolerated!" Tian Ling said, unable to help but frown.

"Oh! Fortunately, Director Jin will deposit ten yuan here every month. I have reported it to the superior. If Sister-in-law Jin comes to buy things and doesn't pay, she will keep the account and deduct it from the ten yuan. If she pays If you don't, the money will be returned to Director Jin." Xiao Liu shrugged, "Director Jin is reasonable, why is Sister-in-law Jin so different?"

Is Jin Hong reasonable? This is probably the funniest thing Tian Ling has ever heard.

If the troops hadn't come forward, the Jin Zhaodi sisters might not have survived. Thinking of Jin Zhaodi, Tian Ling felt a little pity.

It's just that the newcomers don't know what Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi have done before, and Jin Hong has paid more and more attention to his image in the past two years, which makes Lu Zhaodi even more disgusting.

However, this kind of thing cannot be said to Xiao Liu. Tian Ling abruptly changed the subject and said, "Weigh a pound of preserved fruit for me."

She bought this pound of preserved fruit with her own money and brought it to Xibao and Fubao to eat.

The longer they get along, the more Tian Ling likes Xibao and Fubao. She has never seen smarter and cuter children than them. Their words are always so unexpected, making people smile in their hearts.

Carrying the things back, Tian Ling didn't dare to waste time. The clothes hadn't been washed yet, and the triplets should have changed their diapers again.

After walking for a few minutes, she suddenly saw Lu Zhaodi pushing Bai Xue. The person walking with Bai Xue didn't react. Seeing that Bai Xue was about to fall down, Tian Ling raised her legs and ran up like a fly. He grabbed Bai Xue, who almost fell, and yelled at Lu Zhaodi: "Lu Zhaodi, what are you doing?"

Bai Xue is pregnant, and everyone in the family compound knows it. She was pushed by Lu Zhaodi like this, what should she do if she has some shortcomings?

"Why do you, a hen that doesn't lay eggs, mind your own business? Where did you come from?" Lu Zhaodi not only showed no intention of repenting, but turned around and scolded Tian Ling with a fierce look on her face.

Tian Ling was so angry that she was shaking all over, "You... a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth!"

She is honest by nature and won't scold others, but Bai Xue is different. She used to worry about her image in the art troupe, and has always been gentle and gentle. During the time she lived in the Su family, she suffered a lot and had a big quarrel. After that, she seemed to be a different person. While protecting her belly, she cursed: "Lu Zhaodi, from what you said and what you did, I know that God is wise. You deserve to be unable to give birth to a son!"

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