When Xibao heard this, his wrinkled little face turned into a dumpling.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I also have to support my grandfather and my mother, my brother and my sister, but I don't have a salary, so am I still a man?" He rummaged through his pockets, "Empty!"

I don’t have any money to buy candy, so I just buy milk powder for my brother.

After hearing this, Father Lu saw his depressed expression and hurriedly comforted him: "You are a young man, and you can make money only by becoming a grown man."

Xibao breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest, "It's better that I didn't turn into a little girl."

I don't know how he understood it.

However, a few words made everyone laugh.

Hearing the laughter of the adults, the infant Zhuangzhuang also grinned.

Lu Jiang looked around the room, but did not see Feng Qingyun, "Where is Xiaoyun? A Jiang is resting, shouldn't Xiaoyun be at home?"

"Xiaoyun went out to play. She said she would buy me Guoguo when she came back, but I don't want Guoguo." Fu Bao held his cheek and looked at his brother on the left and his brother on the right. His mother was afraid of the little bad guy, so she took them Put it on both sides of her and let herself look at her brother, so she felt that she was great and a hero.

Upon hearing this, Father Lu knew that Feng Qingyun might have gone out to perform with the art troupe, so he asked his granddaughter, "If you don't want Guoguo, what do you want? Grandpa will buy it for you."

Fu Bao showed his white teeth and said, "I want to wear a necklace and a hairpin, but my mother won't allow it."

"Yes, you can't wear it!" Father Lu did not indulge his granddaughter just because she wanted to. After handing Zhuangzhuang to his daughter-in-law, he sat on the kang and whispered to his granddaughter: "There are many bad people outside who will steal your necklace and Send a card because you are too young. When you grow up and have strength, no one will dare to snatch it away. Mom will definitely give you many beautiful things. "

"Are you as big as your brother?" Fu Bao looked up at Xi Bao.

Xibao puffed out her chest and said, "Yes, as big as me."

"Then I want to eat well, eat a lot of food, and grow up quickly."

Lu Jiang cooked the food in the evening, and Feng Qingxue brought some ingredients from the space. When the smart Xibao asked them, they said that grandpa brought them, and they quickly fooled him.

Father Lu smiled and said: "You have people here to help. I'm worried that it will be inconvenient for you. I brought a lot of things this time."

What's inconvenient? It is definitely inconvenient to open a small stove.

Most people cook without oil or salt, but Father Lu has tasted it and has been eating it for many years, so he took the lead in filling a jar with a sack. It looked bulging, and with the luggage bag, it seemed that he had brought a lot of things, but it was actually quite big. Parts are empty shells.

After dinner, Lu's father took care of his grandchildren in the house, while Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue dealt with the things that Lu's father brought.

Pour oil into the empty jar and fill the jar with peanut oil.

Father Lu brought a bag of shelled peanuts, and the couple doubled them several times.

Dried vegetables, bacon, air-dried chicken and other things followed the gourd and were multiplied several times. In addition, some coarse and fine grains such as rice, white flour, cornmeal and wheat bran were taken out and put in the corner according to their categories. Just put it in the cupboard.

After cleaning up, Feng Qingxue returned to the house and asked, "Dad, do Hu Ping and the others still send special products to our family?"

"Yes, Hu Ping said in the letter that after they catch prey, they can eat and drink as much as they want during the New Year and festivals. They only eat meat once every ten days and a half. There is nothing they can do. They are afraid that the neighbors and villagers will say that they live a luxurious life. It would be terrible if you were caught secretly selling it, but you wouldn’t get much money if you sold it openly, so I sent it to my comrades in various places, and all the money I sent them was returned.”

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