At this point, Father Lu added, "Hu Ping said that the land there is fertile, and their harvests in recent years have been better than ours. The grain output is high, and there is no shortage of food now."

Of course, the lack of food is limited to the fact that there is no shortage of food. Whether or not you can eat enough is another matter.

The adults in the Wanglou Brigade are allocated 450 kilograms of gross grain a year, which means there is no shortage of food to the outside world. However, in the absence of non-staple food, for an adult, 450 kilograms of gross grain is just food. Not full.

Feng Qingxue said to Lu Jiang without hesitation: "Don't forget to buy some high-priced goods and send them to Hu Ping and the others when you have time."

Favors, come and go, last forever.

Lu Jiang nodded, but saw his father going through his suitcase containing clothes, "Dad, what are you looking for?"

"I received something from Comrade Hu Ping years ago, and I immediately replied to him, asking him to secretly collect a few wild ginseng for us. He didn't have any, so I asked the local folks if they had any, and they would send them to me at the beginning of this month. , I brought it here for you.”

He found a red cloth bag and handed it to his son, and then lowered his voice and said: "You said before that Xiaoxue was pregnant with twins. I think the birth of twins will definitely weaken the vitality. Buy some ginseng tonic. How to use ginseng, Xiaoxue knows better than me." Hu Ping He didn’t have it in hand, so he asked a fellow villager to collect it privately. They wanted money, and it was a total of three hundred yuan. I sent it to him before I got in the car. "

Feng Qingxue carried the child on her back, opened it, and her eyes widened, "Seven taels are ginseng and eight taels are treasures. Dad, these two ginsengs you brought are treasures!" They are more valuable than what I got from Hu Ping before. Good, the condition is complete, which shows that the owner has good craftsmanship.

Father Lu smiled slightly, "I have to thank Comrade Hu Ping."

"It's time to thank him, thank you very much!" Although Feng Qingxue bought a lot of tonics in her previous life, she was short of ginseng because she knew she couldn't buy authentic wild ginseng at all, so she bought a few boxes of Korean ginseng.

The ginseng of this era is definitely wild and priceless.

Feng Qingxue tucked herself into the space like a baby. When the old people and children were asleep, she pulled out a few ginseng tendrils and let Lu Jiang stew chicken soup.

Simmer for several hours, put it away, and save it for eating meat and soup the next day.

Tian Ling comes here on time every day to wash clothes, cook, clean up the room and take care of the children, but she never eats at the Lu family, even if Feng Qingxue stays with her, so she always goes to the Lu family after eating in the morning, makes meals at noon, and eats at home by herself Come back after dinner, make dinner before leaving.

While cooking, she was surprised to find a lot of things in the cabinet, most of which were scarce supplies.

"Peanut oil! Peanuts! White flour! And bacon! Dried chicken!"

"My father-in-law brought it from his hometown. He saved it for a long time. It was also because our relatives, friends and comrades cared about us. You and I made it up bit by bit." Feng Qingxue explained to her with a smile, "Let's stir-fry bacon at noon, don't be reluctant to part with it. Put the oil."

If there was anything Tian Ling did that made Feng Qingxue feel helpless, it was definitely cooking, and she really couldn't bear to put in an extra drop of oil.

Now that there is a jar of oil at home, Tian Ling should be more generous, right?

Unexpectedly, Tian Ling glanced at Feng Qingxue, like a prodigal, "There is a lot of oil in the bacon. If you fry it in a pan with some oil, half the oil will come out. Why do you need to put more oil?"

Not only did she not add more oil, she also poured out most of the oil from the bacon and put it into a bowl for cooking next time.

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