Xibao did not take the chopsticks, "Yesterday morning, I told Brother Xiaoyun that we would go riding a horse today, but I forgot about it!"

He had a sad little face and his voice was a bit crying, "Wow, wow, I have become a bad boy. Mom, grandpa, and Xibao have become bad boys who never say anything!"

Feng Qingxue understood, but she didn't say it didn't matter because of Xibao's young age. Instead, she comforted him and said, "You can let grandpa take you with you later and go to brother Xiaoyun to apologize, okay? Grandpa will take care of Xibao." If Brother Xiaoyun says he forgives you, you will no longer be a bad boy who doesn’t keep your promise, but you will still be a good Xibao. "

Xibao turned around and urged Father Lu, "Grandpa, hurry up, let's go find brother Xiaoyun after dinner. Grandpa, what delicious food did you bring me? Brother Xiaoyun likes to eat peanuts, you bring peanuts Yet?"

"I'm sorry, Xibao, grandpa didn't bring any peanuts." Father Lu said.

Before Xibao's face fell, Lu's father continued: "But grandpa took some shelled peanuts. You can give some to Brother Xiaoyun you mentioned, so that he can make enough food and clothing by himself."

Xibao's eyes suddenly turned into crescents, "Grandpa, how good are you!" He was frightened!

After dinner, Father Lu and Xibao cleared the table, washed the dishes and chopsticks, and then carried a small half basket of peanuts. Feng Qingxue put another piece of bacon on top and covered it with a cloth.

Patting his eldest son on the head, "Take grandpa to Uncle Zhao's house."

"Promise to complete the mission!"

With a neat military salute, Xibao pulled Lu's father away, while Fubao stepped on his heels and said, "Grandpa, brother, wait for me!"

Xibao looked back at her, "Aren't you afraid of the sun?"

Fu Bao raised the straw hat in his hand, revealing the deep dimples on his cheeks.

"Okay, come and hold my hand and don't run around." Xibao expressed his admiration to his sister.

The two brothers are definitely popular people in the family compound. Anyone who met them looked at Father Lu and felt angry, so he asked: "Xibao, who did you go out with? What did you call him?"

"My grandpa!" Xibao answered simply and neatly.

Father Lu was aware of the other party's good intentions and showed a smile that was still elegant despite the vicissitudes of life. "I am Lu Jiang's father, Lu Zhiyuan. The children in our family often cause trouble to their comrades, right?"

The other party waved his hands hurriedly, "No, no, Xibao is so good. Qian'er gave my son a handful of candies!"

An eighty-nine-year-old boy following her showed his teeth at Xibao and said, "Xibao, when are the military exercises going to take place? I, Qin Dabao, will always obey orders and be ready to go!"

"Wait for my order, wait for my order!" Xibao took his hand out of Father Lu's and waved it in a leadership manner.

Seeing this situation, all the adults can show is to smile, look at each other and feel friendly.

Father Lu found that after walking half of the family compound, nine out of the ten people he met greeted Xibao. After learning his identity, he expressed relief, while the remaining one snorted from his nose with a look on his face. disgust.

"Bad guy!" After she turned away, Fu Bao immediately complained to Father Lu, "My aunt beat her up."

Father Lu asked who it was, but Fu Bao couldn't answer. Xi Bao came up and said, "Everyone calls her Lu Zhaodi. She is evil. She cursed her brother to death. When my aunt heard about it, she beat her. I kicked her too."

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