Father Lu remembered it in his heart, and at the same time, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

When he met Tian Ling today, he asked Tian Ling privately about Zhuang Zhuang's situation without telling his son and daughter-in-law. Tian Ling was not mean-spirited and did not hide it from him. The old man was afraid. If his daughter-in-law hadn't been capable, he wouldn't have been able to see her. A little grandson.

If you ask Lu's father what his biggest wish is at present, then it must be that he wants to grow up safely.

Lu Zhaodi cursed Zhuangzhuang like this, how could he not let Father Lu hold a grudge?

Several more vicious strategies were running through his mind, and Father Lu heard Fubao shout loudly: "Brother Xiaoyun, brother Xiaoyun!"

When I looked up, I saw a young man rushing towards me. He was sitting at the door of his house before.

Thinking of what the Guancheng brothers and Lu Tianzhi told him after returning home, Father Lu showed a smile on his face.

Seeing an old man in his sixties following Xibao Fubao, Zhao Xiaoyun hurriedly stopped and almost stopped two steps in front of them, without directly throwing Xibao down on the grass.

"Hello, who are you?" Zhao Xiaoyun saw some resemblance to Lu Jiang and Xibao between his features, and an idea flashed in his mind, "Are you Grandpa Lu? I heard Tianzhi and Ayu mentioned you, and I also heard about you yesterday. You've arrived."

"Yes, I am Xibao's grandfather, and I came specially to accompany Xibao to apologize." Father Lu said with a smile.

"Apologise?" Zhao Xiaoyun was confused. He bent down and faced Xibao and said, "What are you apologizing for? Xibao, have you done anything to apologize to me? I can't remember it."

Xibao let go of his grandfather and sister's hands, crossed his fingers, and said with a flat mouth, "I'm not riding a big horse with you."

As he spoke, he groaned and covered his face, "I'm sorry, brother Xiaoyun, I didn't forget you on purpose. I was just so happy to see grandpa that I forgot about you. I didn't mean to keep my word." of!"

Zhao Xiaoyun suddenly realized it and laughed.

"It's okay, Xibao. I know your grandpa is here, so I didn't see you today. I know you must be at home with grandpa. I didn't go horseback riding." The arrival of family members is definitely the most important thing. Secondly, if Zhao Xiaoyun is given a choice, he will definitely choose to break his promise. Of course, he is an adult, and he will explain the reason to his dating friends and apologize.

Now hearing Xibao's words, Zhao Xiaoyun knew that Xibao did not break the appointment intentionally, but he was young and his memory was not as good as adults, so he broke the appointment without having time to explain the reason to himself.

It’s understandable, Zhao Xiaoyun felt.

"Is it really okay? Brother Xiaoyun?" A muffled voice came from under Xibao's fingers.

Zhao Xiaoyun grinned and said: "Of course it doesn't matter. I'm not angry. Xibao, didn't you come to apologize? I accept it."

"Brother Xiaoyun, you are such a good brother Xiaoyun!" Xibao let go of his hand without a single tear on his face. Before Zhao Xiaoyun opened his eyes wide, he took the basket from Father Lu's hand and handed it to Zhao Xiaoyun with both hands, "It's just a matter of time." A small gift is not a sign of respect!”

Zhao Xiaoyun said amusingly: "Xibao, who did you learn this from? I can't even understand it!"

Xibao raised his face and said, "Brother Xiaoyun, catch it quickly, my hands are sore."

Zhao Xiaoyun quickly took it, "So this is your apology to me?"

"Yeah!" Xibao nodded heavily, "Then will you forgive me? Brother Xiaoyun, I don't want to be a bad boy."

Zhao Xiaoyun understood and said hurriedly: "Of course, even if Xibao doesn't give me anything and Xibao comes to apologize to me, I will forgive Xibao, because Xibao is a good Xibao!"

Somehow, the tone of voice sounds more and more like Xibao.

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