Father Lu pursed his lips and smiled. No wonder his grandchildren liked him. He was indeed lovable.

Zhao Xiaoyun lifted the cloth on the basket and took a look, then put it back immediately. He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one else around, "Grandpa Lu, you are too polite!"

"I brought it from my hometown. Xibao said you liked it," Father Lu said.

"I brought it back to my grandpa. My grandpa loves peanuts the most." Zhao Xiaoyun was very happy. "Thank you Grandpa Lu for your hard work. I like it very much, I really like it!"

"But brother, you didn't invite us to sit in the house." Fu Bao raised a tender accusation.

Zhao Xiaoyun turned sideways and pointed at the lock on the door, "Well, it's not that I'm rude, it's that he's rude. After dinner in the morning, I went out to wander around and practice shooting. When I got home, I remembered that I forgot to bring my keys and I didn't even have lunch. Eat, because I don’t have any money or tickets with me, and it’s already too late to go to the cafeteria.”

Xibao said enthusiastically: "Go to my house, I have food to eat."

"That's right, you're so stupid!" Fu Bao showed a look of disgust and stretched out his hand towards him, "Let's go home for dinner."

"Let's go, it won't feel good to be hungry." Father Lu also invited him.

Zhao Xiaoyun thought about the relationship between his family and the Lu Jiang family. His father even owed him a life-saving favor and didn't care about another meal. Zhao Xiaoyun, who was very thoughtful, happily carried the basket and left with them.

When the Guancheng brothers were around, Zhao Xiaoyun often ate at the Lu family. When she heard that he hadn't eaten, Feng Qingxue hurriedly called Tian Ling, "Heat up the bacon left over from lunch. There's some steamed rice left. You can beat an egg." , stir-fry with chopped green onions.”

She had dietary restrictions during breastfeeding and did not eat very salty foods, so there was a lot of bacon left.

Zhao Xiaoyun ate happily, and Fu Bao joined in the fun and ate a few bites of fried rice.

After hearing Zhao Xiaoyun say that he would return to the Southwest Military Region in a few days, and remembering that Zhao Hanzhi liked to eat peanuts, wondering if it was passed down from the Zhao family, Feng Qingxue said: "I still have some at home, I will pack some for you."

"No, no, this is enough, it's several kilograms!" Zhao Xiaoyun weighed the basket and knew that the contents were five or six kilograms.

"When we mothers are in the Capital Military Region, we should be less under the care of your grandfather. If you are asked to carry something, you can carry it with you. Why are you so long-winded?" Feng Qingxue said as she put a few more kilograms of peanuts into the basket. If it takes up space, just peel the shells and just bring the peanuts back, fry them or boil them, they are a good snack."

Zhao Xiaoyun nodded heavily, "Thank you Aunt Lu!"

When he came back in the evening, he saw a basket of things, six or seven kilograms of peanuts, a strip of bacon and a dried chicken. Zhao Yong said habitually: "Take them all back, add vegetables to your grandparents, and tell your brother not to be naughty."

"In these years, we have not found favor with the Zhanxi Bao family." Guo Xiuying lamented.

"Our family is not short of money, but it is short of oil and water. When you have free time, buy some milk powder or something for your child to send over."

"I know, you don't need to tell me. There have been many babies born in the family compound in the past two years, and milk powder has been in short supply. After all, our army didn't have these products before. Xiaoyun, go back and tell your grandparents if there is a way to get milk powder. If you want, I'll get some and send them over. "It's a heavy burden for two of the Lu family triplets to drink milk powder.

"Don't worry, my mom, why don't you worry about me handling your son's affairs?" Zhao Xiaoyun patted his chest to reassure him.

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