Father Lu was leaving with Zhao Xiaoyun, and there was not much time left. Feng Qingxue was busy packing things for their grandfather and grandson.

Xibao's clothes, shoes, socks, toys and other items must be brought to him, and some supplies must be prepared for Lu's father to take back. The ones that are visible must be bought directly from the military service agency, and the ones that are in the space must be hidden in the luggage bag.

"My Nine Links!" Xibao hugged his favorite toy and put it in the package.

After going through the nine-link chain, Feng Qingxue discovered that Xibao was really smart. She couldn't even solve the nine-link chain on her own. But Xibao often solved all the nine-link chain in three attempts, which made Fubao cry many times because Fubao was angry. Can't be solved.

One time Fu Bao was so angry that she almost grabbed her and threw the Nine Rings. From then on, Xi Bao stopped letting her play with her.

Worried that Fu Bao would want to play and fall because he couldn't play, Xi Bao hid the Nine Rings. Feng Qingxue hadn't seen it for a long time, but she didn't expect that she actually remembered to take it out and take it home today.

Zhao Xiaoyun was very happy to learn that Lu's father and grandson were on the same road as him.

Father Lu liked Zhao Xiaoyun very much. When he got off the car at Huaihai City and walked to the door of the train station, he invited him to his home.

"There will be a train to the southeast in three days. Are you staying in a guest house these three days? You are alone. Xibao and I are very worried. Let's go to our house to play. Tianzhi and the others are at home. It must be very exciting to see you. Happy."

Xibao nodded, "Don't worry." He patted Zhao Xiaoyun's waist matter-of-factly.

He originally wanted to pat Zhao Xiaoyun on the shoulder, but his plan was aborted because of the height difference.

Zhao Xiaoyun was quite moved, "Okay, thank you Grandpa Lu!"

Just go, it doesn't matter if you play for a few more days, anyway, he didn't tell his grandparents when he would go back.

The three men happily boarded the mule cart that came to pick them up in Guancheng, "Why did you borrow the mule cart? The family is not busy anymore?"

"No matter how busy I am, I still have to come to pick you up and Xibao!" Guancheng said hello to Zhao Xiaoyun and looked at Xibao, who had not seen him for two months, with a smile. "As soon as I heard that Xibao was coming, yes, the Third Grandpa and My eldest uncle, grandpa, aunt and grandma were more excited than our three brothers and urged me to drive into the city early in the morning. By the way, my eldest cousin caught a few fish from the river a few nights ago, and one of them was a black fish. It was intercepted and will be stewed today, saying that it will be used by Xibao to catch the wind and wash away the dust. "

"There are so many rumors outside. Our brigade is not a paradise. Dachun is brave enough to take risks. Are you not afraid of being reported?" He said that Wang Dachun took advantage of his position to embezzle collective property.

Not to mention the fish in the river, even if it is water, it is collective property.

Guan Cheng smiled and said: "So we secretly set down the net at night and collect it before dawn. Although our brigade is not a paradise, but because we work together, it is almost a paradise. If you are not here this month, our brigade has four more people. Individuals who come one after another are assigned to the cowshed. They feed the horses and cows and clean the cowshed every day. You will have company from now on."

"Ah? What's your identity?" Father Lu was surprised. "I remember that the house we built was not small. It could accommodate ten more people, not to mention four more people. How come they were arranged in the cowshed?"

Although there is no belongings in the cowshed, the food is all in the cellar!

After Lu's father and Feng Qingxue left home, Lu's father would open the cellar once every ten days and a half to bring out some grain to supplement the lives of the elderly. He told them that the old grain he had stored in his early years was well sealed and could still be eaten.

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