Guancheng didn't answer Father Lu's question until he left the city and there were only four of them, a mule and a cart, on the road, then he lowered his voice and said: "What was said above is what the people who escorted them here told my uncle and grandfather to do. They lived in the dirtiest place, worked the hardest work, and were not allowed to eat well. In front of them, their uncle and grandpa arranged for the four of them to live in the cowshed where the old people had lived before. The other party felt very sad. Not satisfied, he pointed directly at the cattle pen and asked them to build a floor inside. "

Zhao Xiaoyun hugged his shoulders and shuddered involuntarily.

"What are you afraid of? I don't believe you have never seen such a scene." Guan Cheng glanced at him.

Zhao Xiaoyun put away his playful smile and said softly: "I have seen more cruel scenes, so I shuddered when I heard you say that. My grandfather said that war is not terrible, but that people cannibalize people. Our family has no We are brave, clinging to life, working hard to save our lives, not daring to say a word for fear of becoming a reason for others to attack us. "

His grandfather and parents had both told him that the Lu family could be completely trusted. After spending so many days with Father Lu, he knew that he was a wise man, otherwise he would not have survived in such a difficult environment.

After hearing Zhao Xiaoyun's words, Father Lu and Guan Cheng looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Indeed, as Zhao Hanzhi said, they all have no backbone. If they had the backbone and suffered this injustice, they would have screamed and died to protest the injustice. As for whether they can leave a mark in the historical materials, it will be for future generations. Something happened.

"Two of these four people came to us with bruises all over their bodies. It was hot and flies were buzzing around them." The people who escorted them here asked them to sleep with cows, which was a great insult. Guancheng's eyes With a trace of sympathy in his voice, he continued: "Uncle and grandpa are kind-hearted. After a few days, when the staff escorting them left, I kept the floor of the cattle pen and arranged for them to live in the house. I quickly boiled water for them to bathe and treat them. The injuries left one with a lifelong disability.”

Father Lu asked where it was disabled, and Guan Cheng replied: "Arm, right arm, the bones are broken in three parts, and they are all pierced through the skin and flesh. It is bloody. It has been delayed for too long. This arm is almost useless and cannot be used anymore." Hold the gun."

"Gun? From the military?" Father Lu was very keen.

Guan Cheng nodded, "With calluses on one hand and bullet holes all over his body, you can tell at a glance that he walked out of a hail of bullets. He is very old, over sixty. His physical condition is very poor, and he also has severe asthma. ”

Father Lu soon met the four people Guan Cheng mentioned.

No, it should be five people.

One of the old men brought a young grandson, who looked about six or seven years old, with eyes like a frightened deer.

"My name is Xibao, brother, what's your name?" Xibao greeted the other party enthusiastically, not forgetting to take out a toffee that was about to melt from his pocket, "Brother, here is a candy for you."

The old man who was leaning against the child said, "Hai Lan, you said thank you to my brother. Your life was given by my brother's parents."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, several old people in the room were stunned.

Currently, there are only Lu's father, Wang Zhengguo and the new arrivals four, one and five in the bullpen. Zhao Xiaoyun had already been dragged to the Lu's house by Guancheng, and he was not allowed to come here. He only said to him: " You have just arrived, so it is not appropriate to go to the cowshed. Grandpa Lu has lived in the cowshed for more than ten years, so he does not live here. "

Zhao Xiaoyun thought it right and went with Guancheng to meet Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu who lived in the Lu family.

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