Father Lu looked at the old man who spoke in surprise, "May I ask your name?"

"My surname is Ding, Ding Guofeng." The old man pointed to his grandson who played with Xibao after taking the toffee. "My grandson Hailan got meningitis last year. He took Comrade Qingxue's medicine to save his life. . Something happened to our family, and everyone was afraid that we would be removed from the family. His parents were sent to the northwest, where conditions were difficult, so I took this child with me. "

Father Lu thought carefully for a long time, "Angong Niuhuang Pills!"

When talking about Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue's marriage, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue mentioned this incident casually, and saved several children, which was regarded as a good relationship. One of the children was named Ding Hailan.

"How do you..." Seeing Ding Guofeng nod, Father Lu wanted to ask him how he had fallen to this point. After all, he had lived in the compound before. Then he thought about how there is any truth in this world? So, he changed the subject and said: "Why do you remember it so tightly? Children should save people. Now that we are here, we can live in peace. Although we have too much time to take care of ourselves, at least we have the words of the old leader to support us. , As long as we don’t do anything too outrageous, people won’t criticize us.”

There was a hint of gratitude in Ding Haifeng's eyes, "Thank you, thank you. Captain Wang arranged for us to live in a house instead of living in a cattle pen after those people left, and also arranged food and accommodation for us. I knew our lives were saved." ”

"Yeah yeah!"

"I think so too. I really met a good person."

"Although we ended up here because of evil people, we escaped from the humiliation because we met good people. The fate of life is indeed unpredictable! It is indeed unpredictable."

There are three people left, two from Shanghai and one from the southeast coast.

One of the two people from Shanghai was named Xia Shuhuai, the other was named Chen Anlin, and the one from the southeast was named Zhou Fengchu. Guancheng said that he was the one with a broken arm, and he was the most seriously injured among the four.

Wang Zhengguo said sternly: "In our Wanglou brigade, I think I can speak my mind. You don't have to worry about your fate. Most of the folks in our brigade are very kind. Even if there are one or two with evil intentions, they can't cause any trouble." , after all, every household has parents and brothers living close to each other. If anything happens, the whole family will be embarrassed. However, on the surface, I still have to yell at you, and you have to do whatever work you are asked to do. , you have just arrived, and the situation is tight, so you have to be a bit harsh."

Ding Haifeng said hurriedly: "It should be, it should be. We old guys have endured so much suffering, let alone a few words of criticism? We are bad on the surface but good in private. We are really lucky. "

When the other three people agreed, Wang Zhengguo said strangely: "You all know each other?"

"We all know each other. We all came out of the hail of bullets. How many of us don't know each other?" The person who answered Wang Zhengguo's question was Ding Haifeng. "But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, except for the general meeting in the capital, we rarely met each other. How could we know that in our later years? , we have to live together in the cattle pen. If you let me sleep in the cattle pen, I will sleep in the cattle pen. What hardships did I not suffer during the war? "

Xia Shuhuai was more polite and smiled, "That's because you were a cowherd boy back then! When you saw the army passing by your village, you followed the army to death, and for several years you were responsible for tending horses and herding cattle. "

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