Father Lu did not go to work, but took Xibao to visit Grandpa Lu San, bringing two cans of malted milk.

Grandma Lu San was too old to walk. She was sitting on a wicker chair at the door of the hall to bask in the sun. She had a small blanket on her legs and a cane in her hand. She looked at the two of them for a long time with her presbyopic eyes and said, "Which of you are you?" Huh? Who are you looking for? "

Grandpa Lu San can read and write, so grandma Lu San is not illiterate either.

Now that she is old and confused, regardless of the wind and rain outside, Grandma Lu San has regained her youthful tone of voice.

Father Lu said loudly in front of her: "Yes, I am Zhiyuan, Lu Zhiyuan! This is my grandson, Xibao! When Ajiang and Qingxue got married, you attended in person!"

Grandma Lu San said, "Xiaobao? Xiaobao? Whose family does Xiaobao belong to?"

"From the Lu family!" Xibao said loudly in her ear.

Grandma Lu San said, "Looking at you, I know you are from our Lu family, so why bother asking? Whose baby are you? Who gave birth to you? You look really good."

Xibao thought for a moment and replied, "He's from the Lu Jiang family!"

There are many people in the Lu family, but in Wanglou Brigade, only his father is named Lu Jiang.

When answering this question, Xibao did not forget to speak louder.

Before Grandma Lu San could remember who Lu Jiang was, Grandpa Lu San walked out of the hall. He was trembling and looked like he had fallen. Father Lu quickly stepped forward to help him, but he had to sit with his wife. together.

There is a wicker chair next to Grandma Lu San.

After finally sitting down, Grandpa Lu San couldn't wait to wave to Xibao, "Hey, my little Xibao, come here quickly and let me see if my great-grandfather has grown taller after not seeing you for a year!"

Xibao came up to him and said with a smile: "Grandpa, I have grown taller again."

"Hmm, our Xibao will definitely grow up to be taller than your father!" Grandpa Lu San smiled with a smile on his face. Hearing his wife keep asking whose family the baby was from, he said angrily: "I'm telling you. I’ve said it a hundred times, Xibao, it’s Xibao, from the Lu Jiang family, from the Lu Zhiyuan family, from the Lu Zhiyuan family, did you hear it?”

The sound was loud and sounded fierce, but Xibao, who was startled at first, saw Grandpa Lu San pulling the blanket that had slipped from Grandma Lu San's legs and almost fell to the ground.

Grandma Lu San muttered: "Oh oh oh, it's from our family!"

Father Lu smiled and said, "They are from our family!" They both have the same surname of Lu, and the same Lu means they are one family, right?

Grandpa Lu San was very happy to hear this and touched Xibao's face, "Zhiyuan, Xibao won't leave when he comes back, right? I told you a long time ago that Xibao is a lucky star. You must not believe it. You tasted the bitterness after the autumn last year." There are a few more people, and the rations are almost not enough. Look how good the weather is when Xibao comes back. The wheat will be harvested at the end of the month or at the beginning of June."

"It would be bad if it doesn't rain in the past two days. We won't be able to run the field, so we have to splash it with water." Lu's father said.

Grandpa Lu San was unhappy. He lowered his head and asked Xibao, "Xibao, do you think it will rain recently?"

Why is this problem again? But the meaning seems to be a little different.

Xibao poked Grandpa Lu San's cigarette pouch hanging on his crutch and watched it swinging in the air, "Come on, come on!"

Everyone asked him if it would rain. Do they all want it to rain? Then wait until he is tired from playing before playing again!

"Well, Xibao said it will rain, and it will definitely rain. But Xibao, let's just have a rain. Once it rains, we don't need to water the field. If it rains non-stop, how can we harvest the wheat? Wait. After harvesting the wheat, it’s time to plant next season’s crops. Let’s ask God to provide some rain to irrigate the land, don’t you think so?”

"Yes!" Xibao's voice was so loud that Grandma Lu San heard it.

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