Father Lu really didn't take the joke between the old and the young seriously, so he took the time to teach Xibao when he was not at his busiest.

Xibao is talented and smart, and he knows everything at once. Not to mention Father Lu, after a day or two, after he showed his skills in public, even the old men wanted to teach him a few skills. Besides working every day, they had already It's so itchy.

At this time, a heavy rain came just in time.

The heavy rain made it impossible to go to work.

The old men and old women who were not used to farm work cheered and the excitement started.

"Come on, come on, Xibao, I'll teach you how to draw." Wen Ruyu was the oldest and did her job.

Wen Yue refused to give in, "Xibao, didn't you say you wanted to hear a story? I'll tell you a story."

Jin Ruochu said unhappily: "Go, go, go, let's all go together. I heard Acheng say that Xibao has been practicing calligraphy very early, and the calligraphy is very good. Of course he practiced calligraphy with me. The calligraphy is like a person's face." , The words are beautiful and the face is beautiful.”

"It's as if I'm not good at calligraphy and painting!" Wen Ruyu muttered.

Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, we think Xibao should learn some foreign languages."

When it comes to foreign languages, Wenyue stepped forward and said, "When it comes to foreign languages, of course it's me. There is no language that I am not proficient in, including Russian, English, French, Japanese and German. The title of translator is not in vain!"

Wen Yue is a very famous writer and translator, and everyone here knows it.

"Xibao should learn calligraphy and painting!" Ouyang Mo and He Qingyin are Wen Ruyu's apprentices, and of course they fully support their teacher.

"Xibao, look at the bamboo dragonfly I made for you." Zhu Ling, known as a master of craftsmanship, spoke, and sure enough, Xibao's attention was caught.

Before he finished writing, he saw the bamboo dragonfly for the first time. He really wanted to play with it. Xibao swallowed his saliva and remembered what his mother usually said. He raised his face and said to Father Lu: "Grandpa, hold it for me while I write." Let me play when you’re done!”

Once he gets it, it's his, and he can play with it whenever he wants.

Wen Ruyu couldn't help but said: "What a boy!"

After half a month of teaching, of course, it was only at night.

Everyone worked during the day and taught Xibao at night. After a lot of bickering, they focused on calligraphy, painting, and poetry, supplemented by other aspects. The time was set at about two hours. If there was more, Xibao would not be able to bear the load. Everyone took turns being the teacher. , but because Wen Ruyu is good at calligraphy and painting, Xibao is used to practicing calligraphy, so he has classes every day.

Everyone was originally worried that Xibao was young, could not sit still, and would soon stop learning, but the result was beyond their expectations.

Xibao is more studious than they thought. He is curious and interested in everything. He has to ask questions to the end. Although many times he leaves everyone speechless, especially about physics and chemistry, but Everyone is happy.

Highly talented and patient, he is like a piece of rough jade. If you don’t polish it, you will be short of God’s gift!

Before everyone could suggest to Lu's father that Xibao should be left at home, Xibao took the initiative to express his request after their busy farm work was over, "Grandpa, can I study with my grandparents every day?" He was having fun every day.

Father Lu was stunned, "Of course!"

He cares about his grandson's education more than anyone else. Where can the resources of the border defense force be as good as here? There are about twenty masters from all walks of life in front of them, Taishan Beidou, and they usually teach Xibao a little bit, which is enough for the child to benefit from them throughout his life.

In addition, Grandpa Lu San and Mr. and Mrs. Wang Zhengguo both requested that Xibao be kept at home.

This year's summer harvest was particularly smooth. It was the same as last year, except that the output was slightly reduced. Grandpa Lu San and Wang Zhengguo agreed that Xibao arrived late and the crops did not grow well before he arrived.

Autumn planting has never encountered any time when God does not favor it. The weather is favorable, the seedlings are growing upward, and the ground is full of green.

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