Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1251 Instructions before leaving 4

Zhuangzhuang burst into tears.

Feng Qingxue was stunned and looked at her husband who was also stunned, "Does he understand?"

"Isn't it possible? He is so young." Lu Jiang hesitated for a moment and observed his youngest son carefully. "This brat must think that I keep mentioning his name and speaking in a bad tone, so he gets angry."

When you are angry, you are angry, and your crying sound is like a kitten meowing.

That's what he thought in his heart, but recalling how angry he was, Lu Jiang softened and stretched out his arms towards him, "Come on, Zhuangzhuang, let dad hug you. When dad is not around, you have to take the place of mom." Dad must protect mom. Mom is not allowed to talk to young gay men she doesn’t know, mom is not allowed to help young gay men, and mom is not allowed to let young gay men get close..."

Feng Qingxue interrupted him, "Okay, okay, why are you repeating what I said? I am already a yellow-faced woman with a bunch of children, how can the blind person not see it?"

And what about Zhuang Zhuang? He buried his face in his mother's arms and ignored Lu Jiang.

"Yellow-faced woman? How can there be such a beautiful yellow-faced woman in the world?" Lu Jiang stared at his wife's face carefully. After a year of careful maintenance, the spots from her pregnancy were almost gone, and her skin was smooth and as white as snow. , moist as jade, and the tonic is not free. Although there are still shortcomings on the inside, she looks so radiant on the surface. Some people believe that she is twenty years old.

Compared with the first time I saw her, she now has a mysterious charm, her youthfulness has faded away, and there is an indescribable temperament in her movements. She is more beautiful, dignified, noble, and graceful.

Feng Qingxue's cheeks turned red when he stared at her, making her even more beautiful.

However, this tender feeling was interrupted. When he heard the doorbell being called outside, Lu Jiang reluctantly opened the door. When he saw it was Zheng Xuefeng, he immediately put away the anger on his face, "Comrade Zheng, what's the matter? Come here in such a hurry."

"At the beginning of April, a conference will be held in the capital. You have to prepare and set off in mid- to late April." Zheng Xuefeng said seriously.

Lu Jiang reacted immediately, "Don't worry, I'm ready." Just as he was about to tell his wife, Zheng Xuefeng came.

Feng Qingxue learned that he was going to attend the congress in the capital, which meant that he was now more powerful than she thought. She couldn't help but glance at him. No wonder she said she would leave early. He agreed so happily. It turned out that he also To leave the army.

"When you arrive in the capital, you have to be careful about everything and visit old friends when you have time." Feng Qingxue whispered.

"Don't worry!" After seeing so much information stored in his wife's space, if he could not keep the whole family safe, Lu Jiang's thirty-seven years of food would be in vain. "When you get home, you should take good care of yourself. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, you are still weak inside, we want to be husband and wife for a long time, take care of each other.”

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "Okay, take care of each other!"

The meeting was held in April, and Lu Jiang had plenty of time, so he sent his wife and children to the car first, and then set off for the capital after arranging all the affairs of the army. The main work was currently handled jointly by the chief of staff and the three division commanders.

This meeting will take about a month before and after, and the time spent in the capital will be longer than the meeting.

Lu Jiang led people to the meeting place. There were still several days before the meeting, so he had to say hello to everyone first. He was completely lacking in this courtesy. Moreover, he was a junior, so his posture was low but neither humble nor overbearing. .

Lu Jiang was the first to see Jiang Yun, and Lu Jiang hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Did you come by yourself? How many girls are there for Xibao?" Jiang Yun asked Xibao, "I heard from Xiaoyue that Qingxue gave birth to triplets. Is it true? Do you have any photos that I can take a look at? ?”

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