"Yes!" The troops have a place to take photos, and they take some photos every year as a souvenir.

The Lu family is not short of money, so they are very willful.

Lu Jiang took out the family portrait and the one-year-old photo of the triplets from his inner pocket. After thinking about it, he took out the four-year-old photo of his daughter. The little girl on it was so beautiful.

Jiang Yun held it in his hand and looked at it again and again, "Why are the triplets different? Two are exactly the same, and the other is a lot smaller."

Bystanders heard their conversation and came over and asked, "What triplets?"

"Comrade Lu Jiang's triplets!" He looked up and saw Fan Xiaohai, the commander of the Lu District Military Region and an old comrade in arms. After Jiang Yun answered smoothly, he handed the photo to him, "Do you think they like it? But not everyone is lucky enough to have three sons at once.”

Fan Xiaohai looked at it and held Fu Bao's photo tightly, "Oh my, what a beautiful girl!"

"My daughter." Lu Jiang said proudly.

"How many children do you have? One daughter and three sons?" Fan Xiaohai didn't look at the Lu family's family photo. Jiang Yun didn't show it to him. He had already given it back to Lu Jiang. There was light wind and snow on it, so how could it be shown to outsiders casually? , although Fan Xiaohai is also an acquaintance of his, having climbed snowy mountains and walked through grasslands together, he is just a stranger to the Lu family.

Lu Jiang had no friendship with Fan Xiaohai, but he recognized each other. When the other party asked, he opened his hands and said, "Five, my family has five children, one daughter and four sons."

Fan Xiaohai said with envy: "You are so lucky to have five children at such a young age."

I heard that family planning has been proposed for several years, but it has been put on hold until it is implemented. A family with five children will have nothing to worry about.

"The most enviable ones are the triplets!" Jiang Yun clicked on the triplets in the photo, "What's the concept of having three babies in one year? In the future, if my daughter gives birth to twin grandsons or granddaughters, I will laugh out loud."

Fan Xiaohai became even more envious after hearing this.

Lu Jiang coughed and said modestly: "There is nothing to envy. The burden of raising three children is not light." Especially Zhuang Zhuang's sickly appearance made his wife worried every time.

Fan Xiaohai returned the photo to him and hit him on the shoulder, "I don't want to bully others like this."

"Old comrade, I didn't bully anyone!" Lu Jiang was innocent.

"You said you didn't bully anyone? If you gave birth to triplets, what is it if you don't bully others? Ask around, among the representatives from various places who are coming one after another, which family has triplets?" How many children has Fan Xiaohai raised in his life? Everything has been broken, and now his old wife has passed away, leaving him alone. He is particularly envious of people who have children.

Lu Jiang smiled sheepishly.

Zhao Hanzhi saw this scene when he came in, heard the second half of their conversation, and came over and said: "Show me the photo, let me see what little girl Fubao looks like. I heard Xiaoyun say, I’ve never seen such a beautiful girl.”

Lu Jiang saluted and handed over the photos of the triplets and Fu Bao with both hands.

Zhao Hanzhi was immediately attracted. "The little girl is so handsome. She will definitely be like her mother when she grows up. While Lao Fan and Lao Jiang are here, let them testify that our two families will get married! The little girl will marry I feel bad for everyone.”

It means that marrying into their family will not be a loss.

Lu Jiang shook his head decisively, "Now we don't care about the parents' orders or the matchmaker's words. The children's affairs will be decided by themselves when they grow up. Why do we adults get involved? What's more, Fubao is only four and a half years old this year, and marriage is a big matter. It’s too early to consider, no, no, I can’t agree, I absolutely can’t agree, not even for Brother Zhao and Sister-in-law Xiuying.”

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