Feng Qingxue originally wanted to take Xibao to buy a ticket for the day and return to the army, but the old leader was worried about the situation in Luocheng and wanted to visit in person.

Even if he wanted to visit in person, he even asked to bring the mother and son with him.

Just go, there will be no harm to your family, only great benefits.

Moreover, Feng Qingxue especially admired those founding fathers who walked out in the hail of bullets. Every time he saw one more of them, he was blessed. Decades later, he would have bragging rights to his descendants.

When the old leader goes out, the pomp is not too great, but he is well protected.

Feng Qingxue and Xibao, mother and son, took advantage of the old leader and arrived at the hospital in the old leader's car. The person in charge of the hospital and Luocheng's chief doctor Lian Fengguo, Lu Shuai and the guards guarding Luocheng had already obtained the information. News, come out in person to receive it.

It's been snowing all night, and it hasn't stopped yet, but it's just getting lighter.

The old leader was unwilling to mobilize troops and quickly entered Luo Cheng's ward holding Feng Qingxue's arm and Xibao's shoulder.

Luo Cheng had woken up and was reading a book on the pillow. When he saw the old leader, he immediately wanted to get out of bed, but was held down by the old leader. "If you are not feeling well, don't get up. I'll see how you are doing." What did the doctor say?"

Lian Fengguo followed behind and said hurriedly: "We still need to observe for a few days."

As for Luo Cheng's condition and heart condition, Lian Fengguo didn't mention a word. Many of them were caused by old age or hidden injuries in the past. These didn't need to be mentioned again and again in front of the old leader. I believe he should Wang Xinsheng had already told the old leader, so it would be pointless to bring it up again.

"Yes, just let me stay in the hospital for observation for a few days." Luo Cheng said, "I said no, they don't agree with me leaving. They have to hospitalize me. Isn't this a waste of national resources?"

"How can it be called a waste? It depends on what you said."

Not only the old leader said this, but also Wang Xinsheng and Lu Shuai who were guarding him also said this. Feng Qingxue and Xibao nodded along, especially Xibao, who nodded very quickly.

There is just such a child in the ward, with a rosy face, no matter how you look at it, you are likeable.

Luo Cheng looked very happy when he saw Xibao, with a smile on his eyebrows. Unfortunately, Xibao's shoulder was the crutch of the old chief, so he couldn't bring Xibao to him, "Xibao, you came to see me again. Yesterday was really... Thank you and your mother for your hard work.”

"It's not hard, Grandpa Luo, are you okay?" Xibao asked.

"Much better, thanks to meeting your mother." Luo Cheng heard Lian Fengguo talk about his physical condition, and also ate the candy Xibao asked him to give to him, "Besides, the candy is very sweet, thank you, child ”

Xibao waved his hand, "You're welcome, Grandpa Luo, it seems you are very good!"

Everyone who knew it laughed, and those who didn't know it were very curious. For example, the old leader asked what was going on.

Cao Hong followed Luo Cheng from beginning to end, smiling and telling the old leader about Guaiguai's injections, medicine and candies.

At this time, he moved a chair over, and the old leader sat down. After listening, Feng Qingxue and Xibao suddenly lost their use as crutches. The two old leaders listened to the old leader and Luo Cheng talking, and the topic could not be separated from Luo Cheng. City's physical condition.

Luo Chengdao: "It's so cold. Old leader, please go back quickly. I'll come find you when I get better."

Wang Xinsheng, Lu Shuai and others all followed suit, and the old leader did not stop any longer. "Okay, I'll go back first. You have to cooperate with the doctor for good treatment, and we have to drink tea and chat together."


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