Feng Qingxue and her son said goodbye to the old leader at the entrance of the hospital, not planning to return to the compound with the old leader.

Before getting on the bus, the old leader told the staff who stayed behind: "Make good arrangements for Xibao and his wife, so that they can have good food and shelter when they stay in the capital, and have a smooth journey when they leave the capital." Have a heart.”

"Don't worry!" Who dares to neglect the two of them?

The guest of several leaders and the savior of Luocheng, none of his identities should be ignored.

Wang Xinsheng got on the bus a little later and invited Feng Qingxue to stay at home for two days until the snow stopped before leaving. Feng Qingxue was worried about Fu Bao and the triplets, so she shook her head and declined, preparing to go back immediately. Wang Xinsheng had to ask Shi Hong to see them off. Go to the station.

Originally planning to have someone drive them directly to the army, Feng Qingxue did not want to waste resources and insisted on leaving by train.

Wang Xinsheng knew her temper well and admired her very much, so he finally compromised.

Shi Hong drove Wang Xinsheng's car, and Wang Xinsheng took Lu Shuai's car back.

When this car arrived at the train station, it caused quite a stir. The stationmaster, section chief and others all came out. When they heard that Feng Qingxue wanted to go to Baozhou, they immediately made careful arrangements.

There is more than one train going south from the capital to Baozhou, and there is one in every time period.

Feng Qingxue was so anxious to return home that she chose the bus at around eleven o'clock, and soon got on the bus with her son.

They didn't choose sleepers, but hard seats.

The distance between the two stations was more than 100 kilometers. This train was an express train, which only took about two hours. The two of them got off the train, not long after lunch, and the time was just right.

It is also snowing in Baozhou, it seems to have just started, and there is only a thin layer on the ground.

"Mom, we are in pity, no one came to pick us up!" Xibao's legs were numb from sitting in the car, and he jumped up and down. "We forgot to call daddy!"

Feng Qingxue was also negligent, but she refused to admit it, "Silly son, no one will come to pick you up. Let's go back by ourselves. There is a bus!"

Although the military camp is relatively remote, there are dedicated bus routes.

This is the case in the capital, and it is also the case here. After all, soldiers with lower grades do not have vehicles or buses equipped by the army, so it is inconvenient to go home to visit relatives. They always have to go to the train station first, and then buy a ticket to go home!

The couple were about to go to the bus station to look for a car when Xibao saw the car assigned to Lu Jiang by the army and immediately cheered!

"Mom, Mom, the car is here!" Xibao pointed to it.

Feng Qingxue was about to say that her son was talking nonsense. How did the army know that her mother and daughter were back? A special car to pick you up? But she couldn't say anything because in the misty snow, she saw that the car was indeed the car assigned to her husband by the army.

The driver, Xiao Wang, stopped the car in front of them and got out of the car, "Sister-in-law!"

"How did you know we were arriving right now?"

Facing Feng Qingxue's question, Xiao Wang took Feng Qingxue's first aid kit and said with a smile: "The army received a call from the capital and asked the army to arrange for someone to pick up my sister-in-law and Xibao."

Who dares to take instructions from above lightly?

Although they didn't go directly through Lu Jiang, they finally used Lu Jiang's car, mainly because Feng Qingxue and Xiao Wang were familiar with each other.

Feng Qingxue thanked her repeatedly, and Xibao also nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Xiao Wang, we can go home. One day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. I almost miss my brothers, sisters, and father!"

"I don't know how the two bears will behave after being separated from them for a day!"

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