Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1374 Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet 1

When Niu Suhong saw Feng Qingxue and other assistant nurses coming out, she stood up suddenly. She stood up so hard that she staggered and almost fell down. It was her eldest daughter's quick eyesight and quick hands who supported her.

"Mom, slow down."

"How is my Ernie doing?" Niu Suhong asked Feng Qingxue hurriedly, ignoring her eldest daughter.

Feng Qingxue took off her mask and nodded to her, "The operation went well. The next step is to take good care of her and recuperate. We must take good care of her. We can talk about reconstruction after she has fully recovered."

I don’t know how the child fell. His left calf was shattered and the bones were misplaced.

Although she had undergone surgery and tried her best, Feng Qingxue was not sure whether there would be any sequelae for the child.

Fortunately, his head and internal organs were not injured, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

An assistant following Feng Qingxue said to Niu Suhong: "Don't worry, Comrade Qingxue's surgery is very good. He is quick and accurate. He is as good as Dr. Miao, the best bone-setter in our army!"

Niu Suhong thanked Feng Qingxue repeatedly, "Thank you for your hard work, sister-in-law!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Feng Qingxue patted her arm.

Lu Jiang said from the side: "Sister-in-law, if you need anything, just let me know. Comrade Mu Yun is not at home, and the children's matters are the army's." He had to remind his wife to buy some nutritional supplements and send them over.

A considerable number of soldiers, like Ping Zhengkai, have heavy family burdens, and the Mu Yun family is no exception.

Niu Suhong nodded, "Thank you, Comrade Commander of the Army, and thank you even more to my sister-in-law for being ordered to perform this operation on Erni at a critical moment."

"I told you you're welcome, the child's body is important."

In the proud eyes of her husband and eldest son, Feng Qingxue waited for Dr. Miao to get off the operating table. After checking Erni's condition, she communicated with Feng Qingxue and told the nurse various precautions. Then Feng Qingxue and her husband and son leave.

It was already dark and the wind was freezing.

"Mom, you are so awesome!" Xibao hugged his mother's arm, his big eyes full of admiration.

"If you study hard, you will definitely be better than mom in the future!" Feng Qingxue attaches great importance to the education of her children. She believes that under the guidance of so many masters, Xibao will definitely be better than others.

Xibao's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing this, and he said loudly: "Mom is still the most powerful."

The little mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey, and it has not changed since childhood.

"What about me?" Lu Jianghu asked with a face.

Xibao thought for a while, "Although you are also very powerful, dad, mom is the most powerful. Mom can save people, cook, foreign languages, draw, and sing. Dad, you will only work in the army." "

After saying this, he was afraid of being beaten by his father. With a whoosh, he shrank behind Feng Qingxue and stretched out his little head to see what was going on.

Lu Jiang was not angry, but felt guilty.

To my wife and children.

He spent most of his life in the army. He was destined to be sorry for his elderly, wife and children. He could not accompany them for a long time and take good care of them in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. The burden of the whole family fell on his wife's shoulders, leaving her to work and family. When you can't balance it all, you have to choose to quit the army and return to your family.

Lu Jiang is always grateful for his wife's contribution, which also adds to his admiration for the female compatriots in the world, because most of them choose family, while almost all gay men choose to work.

This is the difference in attitude towards family and children.

The choice of lesbians puts many gay men to shame.

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