Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1375 Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet 2

"Xibao, you should be beaten twice like Erxiong! Why is your father not so powerful? Your father is the most powerful person in our family. He protects the country, the integrity of the territory and the safety of the people. Your father He gave his all and fought many battles before you were born. The country belongs to everyone, and I protect our little family, so we cannot compare it to each other."

Xibao seemed to understand.

For a child, his life is in the family. The most powerful thing in his mind is of course the mother he often sees rather than the father he often doesn't see. He still doesn't understand the difference between country and family, even if Every day I follow everyone and shout slogans.

"Why are you talking about Xibao like that? I think he is right. The word "country" means that the country is in front and the family is behind. Without the country, there is no family. But the family and the country are in the world. The family is in front and the country is behind. There is no one. How can a country come from the composition of a family?" Lu Jiang reached behind his wife and touched his son's head, "The most powerful person in our family is your mother. Your mother is the head and backbone of our family. Without you, Mom, there wouldn’t be this home we have now.”

"I just said I was right!" Xibao was proud and came out from behind Feng Qingxue. He held his father's arm with one hand and his mother's arm with the other. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Mom and dad are very good." Awesome, I am the happiest child!”

"This kid!" became too fast.

Feng Qingxue rubbed her belly, and before she could say that she was hungry, Lujiang stuffed a toffee into her mouth, "I told Tianzhi and Ayu when I brought Xibao out, they must do it now There’s a good dinner waiting for us when we go back.”

"Then let's go!"

Lamb bone soup with noodles is the best.

The triplets and Fu Bao were finally coaxed to sleep. Guan Yu and Lu Tianzhi just breathed a sigh of relief. When they saw their uncle, aunt and Xi Bao come back, the two brothers immediately got busy. They heated up the mutton oil in a pan and stir-fried green onion and cabbage. After a while, I poured in today's mutton bone soup, brought it to a boil, put the noodles that had been cut into the pot, cooked them, took them out and sent them to the main room, every step of the way, in an orderly manner.

Feng Qingxue went out without eating at noon. She was really hungry now. The warm lamb soup noodles made her stomach feel very comfortable.

"So full!" Xibao touched his belly and smiled sweetly at Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu, "Thank you, brother Tianzhi, and thank you, brother Ayu. It's great to have you at home. You are the heroes of our family."

Guan Yu smiled and said, "Xibao, have you eaten any candy?"

"No, mommy is so hungry that she needs sweets." When Xibao answered, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"Why is your mouth so sweet if you haven't eaten any sugar?" Lu Tianzhi stacked the bowls together and said to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue: "Uncle, aunt, there is hot water in the steel pot. You guys should wash up and go to bed early. Auntie has had a long day."

The operation requires a high degree of concentration. As soon as he relaxed, Feng Qingxue felt weak all over and nodded politely.

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu took Xibao to their room to rest. Lu Jiang brought foot-washing water into the room, only to find his wife sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes dim and sleepy. There was no cream on her freshly washed face. Wipe it, you must know that she usually uses her skin care products very meticulously, "You go to sleep, I will wash your feet."

Feng Qingxue closed her eyes, tilted her head, and fell asleep in an instant.

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