Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1377 Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet 4

She often frequents the black market and boasts that she can see the conditions of some people in the black market.

Many people who cannot afford to eat come to the black market to buy high-priced grains to save their lives, but there are also some people with good living conditions who are not short of money, so they come to the black market to buy some high-priced grains or high-priced non-staple foods.

Take a look at these old people. They should all belong to the latter group. They are not sallow and thin, but rather shiny.

Feng Qingxue didn't need that much money, and she didn't want to take the risk of trading with several people at the same time.

After hearing what she said, several old people made a sound and walked away. One of them muttered before leaving: "If I had known they were here to rob something, I wouldn't have wasted my time. After such a arrest, there will be too much food for the monks."

Feng Qingxue walked around a few times, not many people were met, and no business was concluded.

Just as she was about to leave, heading to another black market, or visiting the flea market, she did indeed leave the scope of the black market. As she was walking, she was blocked by an old woman who whispered, "Sister, do you have any food to sell?"

Feng Qingxue saw her face was sallow, thin, and weak, so she sighed softly, "Come with me!"

The old woman was overjoyed and followed immediately.

Feng Qingxue found a remote place, "I only have a few kilograms of fine grains and coarse grains, how much do you want?"

"Please give me a few kilograms of coarse grains. I only have two yuan." The old woman was a little embarrassed and whispered: "I came from the countryside. The harvest this year was not good. I only divided ten kilograms of wheat into coarse grains. , Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, we only have more than a kilogram of dried sweet potatoes at home, and they will be gone after eating them today and tomorrow. We can’t let our grandchildren go hungry during the Chinese New Year, right?

Feng Qingxue grabbed a bag of multigrain noodles and brought them out. It was corn flour, black flour, dried sweet potato flour, and sorghum flour mixed together. It was about ten kilograms. She handed it to the old woman and turned around to leave. She quickened her pace because of the old woman calling from behind.

She can't help everyone, so she should help everyone she sees, otherwise she will feel uneasy.

The old woman hugged the dough bag with tears in her eyes, "Good people, good people, I met a good person again."

The business was not completed, so a bag of coarse grains was sent out. Feng Qingxue hit her head, rushed to the next black market, and concluded several deals in succession.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and prices are higher than usual. Fine grains can be sold for 1 yuan per catty, and coarse grains can be sold for 50 cents.

Although Feng Qingxue spends money lavishly and her family's savings are getting less and less day by day, she is really not short of the money, but she still deals with people seriously, and she is the kind of person who seems to be clearly short of food and clothing.

After selling grain for thirty or forty yuan, she only met a down-and-out capitalist selling jewelry.

According to the other party's asking price, Feng Qingxue wrapped the jewelry he brought out with thirty kilograms of cornmeal and ten kilograms of flour.

For Feng Qingxue, this was the biggest gain today.

After walking around the flea market, Feng Qingxue, who had gained a lot, met a limping rural woman who was begging for food along the street. But everyone's life was not easy. How could anyone help her?

A middle-aged woman sighed and gave her a thick dough bun.

"Thank you, thank you, aunt. You are a good person. You will definitely be rewarded in the future." The woman knelt down and kowtowed, then sat on the ground, ignoring her dirty hands, and broke off a piece of steamed buns. He stuffed it into his mouth and ate it hungrily, fearing that the middle-aged woman would regret it or be snatched away by others.

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