Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1378 Remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet 5

Feng Qingxue saw that this woman was unkempt and skinny. She looked like she was older than herself, but she knew that she took better care of herself. Many people who looked similar to her were younger than her, so she had no idea about this woman's age. , she couldn’t see clearly, but she just thought she was pitiful. She rummaged through her bag, took out a can, poured some water from the military kettle and handed it to her.

The lame woman was choking. When she saw the water in front of her, she thanked her and drank it.

"Thank you, thank you!" The lame woman returned the can to Feng Qingxue, and stuffed the last mouthful of steamed buns into her mouth. Although she couldn't see Feng Qingxue's appearance, she was still extremely grateful, "Thank you, sister."

Feng Qingxue squatted beside her, "What's your name? Why do you come out to beg for food? Doesn't anyone care about you?"

It's better to beg for food in rural areas because no one cares about it. In the city, it's more strict. People think that begging for food affects the country's reputation. When adults encounter such beggars, they will basically send them back to their hometown after asking them where they came from.

A trace of fear flashed in the lame woman's eyes, "I escaped. If I escape, I can survive. If I go back, I will die."

"What's going on?" Feng Qingxue and the middle-aged woman asked in unison.

The lame woman shed tears and choked up: "Aunt, eldest sister, my name is Liu Guixiang. I am twenty-eight years old. I have suffered a lot in my life, but no matter how hard it is, I am not afraid. I am afraid of dying! I am sixteen When I was seven years old, my parents gave me fifty pounds of dried sweet potatoes. The man I married was fine at first, but after I gave birth to two daughters, his appearance changed. He killed me. When I was pregnant with my third child, he hung me up and beat me. The beating caused me to have a miscarriage and a male fetus came out. Later, he was kinder to me because he wanted me to have a son, but I Later, when a girl was born, he broke my legs and left me with a limp. The girl also starved to death. He wanted to continue beating me, but I couldn't bear it, so I ran away. "

Feng Qingxue frowned, and the middle-aged woman sighed, "It's so bad to favor boys over girls! Women can hold up half the sky, so why are there still people who retain the backward feudal ideas? Then where are you going to escape?"

Liu Guixiang whispered: "Let's go wherever we go. At least we don't have to be beaten and suffer."

"Where is your mother's family?" the middle-aged woman asked.

Feng Qingxue didn't ask this question. Since Liu Guixiang didn't choose to go back to her natal family, it meant that her natal family was not a human being and could not tolerate her.

Sure enough, Liu Guixiang replied: "When I was beaten badly, I went to my parents' house to ask for help, but they ignored me. Instead, they advised me to go back and give birth to a son and live a good life with a man. You don't know my heart. How cold, I should have thought that they would not be kind to me, otherwise they would sell me without fifty pounds of dried sweet potatoes. After I escaped, I never thought of returning to my parents' home, because they would definitely kill me. Send it back."

Having said this, she got up and bowed deeply to the middle-aged woman and Feng Qingxue, "I have to go. The further away the better, they won't be able to catch me. Thank you, aunt and sister. Good intentions, good people are rewarded, you will be rewarded!"

The middle-aged woman sighed and said nothing more.

Feng Qingxue thought for a while, then caught up with Liu Guixiang and stuffed her with ten yuan and a few kilograms of food stamps, "It's not a big deal for you to continue like this. Find a place with simple folk customs to stay, and just say that you are escaping from the mountains and ravines." Those who come out to beg for food don’t remember where their hometown is, so they give themselves a different name.”

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