Even if Lu Jiang said this, Feng Qingxue was not in a good mood. Who would still smile after being reported to his own family?

However, when facing the military family members in the military compound, Feng Qingxue could not show her bad mood and infect everyone, because the image of the military family members would indirectly affect her husband's image in the army.

At this time, Lu Jiang received a call from Jiang Yun, saying that Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue had taken leave and bought tickets to go home.

The young couple originally wanted to come to Baozhou to meet Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue before going to the Wanglou Brigade, but Jiang Yun scolded them. There was an order of elders and younger ones. Of course, they had to formally meet Lu's father before talking about anything else.

Although Father Lu and Jiang Xiaoyue had met several times, Jiang Xiaoyue now met the old man as his eldest grandson's wife.

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu wanted to see their new sister-in-law and their brother they hadn't seen for many years, so they immediately put the matter of returning home on the agenda.

Xibao immediately raised his hands and announced loudly: "I miss my grandpa. My brother and I are going home together! Mom, when you miss me, go home and see me, and take your sister and brother with you."

Feng Qingxue felt sad, "Why didn't you come back to see me?"

"I'm a child, mom!" Xibao said confidently, comparing the heights of his two brothers. "I have enough to eat every day. When I grow up to be as big as my brother, I will come back alone to see my mother and younger siblings."

"Are you so anxious to go back?" Feng Qingxue was reluctant to let go, extremely reluctant to let go, even with the experience of Father Lu taking him home.

Xibao sighed like an adult, "Study hard and make progress every day, Mom."

Xibao is very studious and everyone in the family knows that.

He has learned many types of foreign languages ​​and is very talented in foreign languages. Apart from the two or three foreign languages ​​that Feng Qingxue specializes in, Feng Qingxue has learned some simple common expressions from her son in other foreign languages. There is no way to give her son the best. teach.

Going back to accept the teachings of a group of old people would only do him good and no harm.

Lu Jiang couldn't help but sigh when he saw his wife unhappily packing their luggage. While helping, he said, "Xibao is not young anymore. It will be his blessing to study with the old man for a few more years. We can't waste it just because we are reluctant." His talent. Besides, Xibao will definitely not be wronged when he returns home. The whole team will treat him as a treasure. When I go back on vacation, our whole family will be able to meet Xibao soon. Then you can. You can also stay at home for a while.”

"I know." Isn't this packing the child's luggage?

In addition to clothes, shoes, socks and bedding, there is also food and drink. The weather is still very cold, so the dry food brought will not spoil in a short time.

Feng Qingxue stuffed another amount of money and food stamps into Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu. The two brothers each packed half. If someone lost money or tickets on the way, the other person also had, "Don't be reluctant to eat on the way, the car You buy whatever is on sale.”

"I know, Auntie!" the two brothers said in unison.

Feng Qingxue whispered to the two of them: "There is a jewelry box in the suitcase containing your clothes. Be careful on the way and give it to your grandpa when you get home. He knows what it means."

The jewelry box contained some valuable jewelry, which was used as a betrothal gift for Jiang Xiaoyue from the Lu family. It was a joint decision between her and Lu Jiang.

Some of these jewelry are from Guan Linglong's dowry, and some are from Lu's mother. Anyway, they are the best.

As soon as Father Lu saw the jewelry box brought by his two grandsons, he immediately understood.

. . Enteritis, stomach pain is unbearable, injections and medicines don’t work, maybe the dose is too small, I curled up like a shrimp, I ran to the toilet no less than 20 times in one afternoon, 40% off for 10,000 words, and 40% off for the rest tomorrow or somewhere God has made up for it. I feel really uncomfortable. My whole body is in pain and I am sweating. I beg for forgiveness.

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