When the three Lu Tianzhi brothers arrived home, Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue had already been home for two days, and all the elders they should meet had met.

When Lu Tianzhi handed the jewelry box to Lu's father, Jiang Xiaoyue held onto Xibao and refused to let go. If it weren't for the presence of her elders, she would have pulled Xibao around in circles, "Xibao, you have grown so tall. , What are you eating to grow? It’s just that you’re too thin.”

"It's good to eat, Sister Xiaoyue." Xibao was also very happy to see Jiang Xiaoyue.

Although he has a good memory, he can no longer remember what happened when he was two, three or four years old. Fortunately, there are many photos at home, and Feng Qingxue often tells him about past events, so he has a good impression of Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I must have eaten too little, otherwise I wouldn't be so thin."

"Xiaoyue, come here." Father Lu called.

Jiang Xiaoyue respected her elders very much and hurriedly pulled Xibao to Father Lu, "Grandpa, what do you want me to do?"

Father Lu immediately closed the jewelry box after looking at it twice and handed it to her, "Take it."

"What is this?" Jiang Xiaoyue held the heavy jewelry box with curiosity on her face.

"The betrothal gift from our Lu family."

After Father Lu finished speaking, everyone saw Jiang Xiaoyue blushing, "Grandpa!"

Lu Tianjun said: "Grandpa gives it to you, just take it."

He remembered that his grandfather said that when his uncle and aunt got married, he also gave it to his aunt in private.

Lu Tianzhi nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said with a smile: "Yes, sister-in-law, although there are no three matchmakers and six betrothals now, and we didn't buy seventy-two legs of three turns and one ring, we do have the ancestral betrothal gift for us. You, on behalf of our Lu family, let me replenish you after three turns and one ring of seventy-two legs."

"Tianzhi!" Jiang Xiaoyue stamped her feet.

"He's right." A smile appeared on Lu Tianjun's dark face, "Don't be angry."

"I'm not angry, I just feel it's too heavy." Jiang Xiaoyue's hands were heavy and her heart was heavy. She just heard that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue asked Lu Tianzhi to bring them, "That year, uncle and My aunt has already given it to me, and there is really no need to give it to me now. My uncle and aunt have to raise five children!"

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were both old and young, and their living expenses were high. However, she and Lu Tianjun were young and had no burden. The army was responsible for food, clothing and housing, and their family subsidies were limited. How could they ask for their things?

Father Lu already liked Jiang Xiaoyue's bold and cheerful personality, and after hearing these words, he liked her even more.

From beginning to end, the Jiang family and Jiang Xiaoyue made no demands for the marriage between Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue. What they valued was Lu Tianjun, not any external factors.

"Your uncle and aunt are capable. You two don't have to worry about the child's food, clothing, housing and transportation." Father Lu knows very well that his daughter-in-law's space contains a lot of supplies. Isn't it the most lacking of food and clothing at present? There is no need to worry about education. "Although your family has no request, we can't take it seriously. This is what you deserve. It will happen when Acheng Ayu and Tianzhi get married in the future. Our family has come to this point, and Tian Juan There's no way he can compare with his father when he gets married, so just make do with it."

Although Guan Cheng and Guan Yu are not biological grandsons, there is no difference between them in Lu's father's heart. In the past few years since Lu Tianjun joined the army, Guan Cheng has shouldered all the burdens on the family. He sees it in his eyes and remembers it in his heart.

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