Feng Qingxue felt very satisfied. In her heart, her strong body really had the upper hand.

"Then I won't go. Please be careful on the road."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaoyue answered simply, "Aunt, take good care of Zhuangzhuang."

Feng Qingxue was naturally meticulous. After Lu's father and others left, she devoted herself to taking care of Zhuang Zhuang. Needless to say, Fu Bao and Dundun. Fu Bao didn't go to school, so he was very obedient and handed her a towel to cool down Zhuang Zhuang. Lu Erxiong was careful when he spoke.

Although the child is young, he is very sensible when he should be sensible.

Suddenly, Feng Qingxue was extremely happy, it turned out that Er Xiong was also well-behaved sometimes.

"Mom, when will my brother be ready?" Lu Erxiong lay on the edge of the bed. He was very jealous of how his mother always held his brother today. He was so big and still let his mother hold him. Lu Erxiong looked at his brother with contempt, and then, his fat His face collapsed, and he also wanted his mother to hug him. She felt fragrant and soft.

Zhuang Zhuang's fever has subsided a little, but he is not in good spirits, and his ground is limp and clinging to Feng Qingxue.

Feng Qingxue hugged her youngest son, who was at least ten kilograms lighter than Xiong's son. Looking at his haggard little face, her heart ached and ached. It must be that she had not taken good care of her, which was why Zhuang Zhuang caught cold and fever.

After hearing what Xiong's son said, Feng Qingxue whispered: "Brother will be fine soon, Xiong Xiong is a good boy!"

Lu Erxiong hummed, holding his fat chin with both hands, "I'm very good."

Lu Jiang was worried about his youngest son's condition and was not sloppy at all when handling his work. He couldn't go home late at night like before. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

He reached out and picked up the phone, "Hello, I'm Lu Jiang."

"It's me, A Jiang." Ye Zhengjun's hearty laughter sounded from the other end, "How have you been lately? Have you encountered anything unsatisfactory at work or in life?"

A smile appeared on Lu Jiang's lips, "Everything goes well, how about you? Are you under control?"

Ye Zhengjun laughed and said, "Although Lao He made a mistake in the middle, it was always in order during your management, and it's as if I never left. By the way, let me tell you one thing first. I think I should tell you."

Lu Jiang asked what it was about, and Ye Zhengjun smiled and said, "Zhao Anbang, Zhao Anbang, do you still remember?"

"Of course I remember. He is now in Huaihai City and has been promoted. He is Xibao's godfather. We often keep in touch." Unfortunately, either I or Feng Qingxue took the child back to his hometown several times, and Zhao Anbang was either on a business trip. , or went to the northwest to visit my old father, and never got away to get together with them.

Ye Zhengjun smiled and said: "I forgot about this! You can tell him some good news, which is what I want to tell you."

"What is going on? Old Army Commander." Lu Jiang was worried.

"Zhao Anbang's father is Zhao Dapao. I didn't know Zhao Anbang's father was him until I was in the northwest. When I first joined the army, we were in the same unit. I didn't expect that he later changed his name. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we didn't even recognize each other when we met. One or two We haven’t seen each other for ten years, and his appearance has changed a lot, and he got into an accident early. I met him when I was participating in labor reform, and we got to know each other after we talked a lot. "

Lu Jiang's heart skipped a beat, "I never heard you mention it. Could it be that the good news you mentioned was that Uncle Zhao's situation has turned around?"

"Yes! You try to contact Zhao Anbang and ask him to pick up his father. I just received news from the capital, and I think you will receive it soon. Zhao Dapao is allowed to return to his hometown to recuperate. Work issues are not mentioned for the time being. He will go home first. Reunion is more important!”

Lu Jiang was overjoyed, "Okay, I'll notify him right away!"

. . Update first. Go to the hospital first. If you arrive late, you will have to wait in line until 10 o'clock to get water. Please give me a monthly ticket for the first month of the game. I will update again at noon. I have my mobile phone and laptop with me.

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